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Number Name Submission Change type View
N24-010 Heather Maloney Objection Name

Heather Maloney


Flat Bush
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Heather Maloney

Flat Bush is a very confusing name as the old Historic Flat Bush School is within the proposed boundaries but the current Flat Bush School and Flat Bush Road is some distance outside the boundary.
Voters in Conifer Grove, Takanini, Wattle Downs and Manurewa do not have any community of interest with Flat Bush which is separated by Totara Park and the Auckland Botanical Gardens.
Apart form the Historic School building, Flat Bush is not an identifiable community within the proposed electorate and could be a very polarizing name with a majority of voters having no affiliation with the name.

Suggested solution

I think Totara Park would be a better name as the Park lies in the middle of the electorate and voters in the south (Conifer Grove, Takanini, Wattle Downs & Manurewa) as well as those in the north (Manukau, Ormiston and Mission Bush) would also find this a more acceptable name.
N24-011 Mr Leigh Auton Objection Name

Mr Leigh Auton


Flat Bush
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Leigh Auton

The Representation Commission has suggested the name Flatbush ‘reflects the geographic area of the electorate’. I don’t believe this to be the case. As a resident of The Gardens, in the current electorate of Papakura, and as a former Chief Executive of Manukau City Council, and with prior responsibility for much of the urban planning of Manukau City over a number of decades, I disagree with the Commission that the name reflects the new electorate. The Representation Commission notes that 12,400 people come from Flatbush (principally Mission Heights), while 53,900 come from Totara Heights, the Gardens, Randwick Park, Takanini, Conifer Grove, Wattle Downs and Greenmeadows. These latter communities, made up from the existing Manurewa and Papakura electorates have a community of interest with Papakura, Manurewa and Manukau. Mission Heights/Ormiston and Flatbush have a separate community of interest facing east towards Botany and Howick. Even on a purely geographic basis, it would seem a larger proportion of the proposed electorate is identifiably from the Papakura and Manurewa electorates.

Suggested solution

I would recommend the proposed electorate be named Totara Park. This iconic park of over 200 hectares, adjoins the Auckland Botanic Gardens on Hill Road, Manurewa. Totara Park is at the geographic centre of the new electorate. It is used by very large numbers of active and passive recreational users and is extensively utilised by the suburbs being severed from the existing Papakura and Manurewa Electorates, as well as wider South Auckland. Totara Park has road access from Redoubt and Mill Roads to the north and east, from Everglade Drive to the west and from Wairere Road to the South. It has a number of pedestrian entry points. The Park contains a large public pool open in the summer, a wedding/reception centre and active mountain bike facilties. The adjoining Auckland Botanic Gardens has over a million visitors per annum.
As the last stage of the urbanisation of Flatbush occurs over the next decade, the Flatbush community (including Mission Heights) will be physically connected in an urban sense to Totara Park and the majority population of the new electorate. The development of the proposed Mill Road arterial and widening of Murphy’s Road will similarly enhance accessibility of Flatbush residents to Totara Park and the Auckland Botanic Gardens.
I would recommend a site visit by the Representation Commission (if not already undertaken) to gain a full appreciation of the significance of Totara Park (and the Auckland Botanic Gardens) to the new proposed electorate.
N24-012 David Hoggard Objection Name

David Hoggard


Flat Bush
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

David Hoggard

The Flat Bush name is inappropriate as a large part of Flat Bush is in the Botany electorate.

Suggested solution

Rename the seat as Takanini or Takaanini. This fulfills the Commission's slight preference for Māori names, while also referring to an area which is more fully within the electorate. While Flat Bush was proposed due to being a recognisable suburb, Takanini is just as well-known, especially due to its railway station and agricultural heritage.
N24-013 Mr Dominic Tay Objection Name

Mr Dominic Tay


Flat Bush
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Dominic Tay

I object to the name of the new electorate and wonder if there is a Māori name that would be more appropriate.

Suggested solution

I suggest Takanini (preferred) or Manurewa East as alternatives.
N24-014 Jocelyn Watkin Objection Boundary

Jocelyn Watkin


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Jocelyn Watkin

I live in Wattle Downs, Manurewa. Manurewa is a long way from Flat Bush, both geographically and culturally. It was bad enough being shoved into the Papakura electorate but Flat Bush has nothing in common with us. I fear the wishes of those living in Wattle Downs will be ignored by a Flat Bush MP who doesn't live here (or in Manurewa).

Suggested solution

Put Wattle Downs into the Manurewa electorate. If you need to make up the numbers for Flat Bush, then you could consider the Manurewa area called "The Gardens", which is at least geographically close to Flat Bush
N24-015 Mr Raj Dawson Objection Boundary

Mr Raj Dawson


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Raj Dawson

* Align suburb named 'Flat Bush’ with electorate named 'FLAT BUSH'
* Share common attributes with the new Flat Bush electorate than Botany
* Characteristics of the suburbs of south Botany are more in harmony with the new Flat Bush electorate than the Northern part of Botany.
* The local MP will be able to carry out their function in a more homogenous manner, rather than at cross purposes with distinct segments OF THE COMMUNITY THEY SERVE

Suggested solution

Include the suburbs named 'Flat Bush' into the new 'Flat Bush electorate by:
* Extending all of ORMISTON Road - up to PRESTON ROAD west
* Then PRESTON ROAD southwards to BOUNDARY Rd
* Finally moving eastward all of Boundary Road up to 'TE IRRIRANGI Rd'
The loss of population can be compensated by including northern parts of 'Pakuranga electorate' to Botany electorate.
N24-016 Mrs Jan Robinson Objection Boundary

Mrs Jan Robinson


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Jan Robinson

• I agree with the proposed boundary change and the creation of the Flat Bush electorate.
• The exact boundaries are always a difficult decision.
• In the circumstances, this is a sensible decision.
• Papakura regains many areas lost in the last boundary changes.
N24-017 Mrs Rachel Hex Objection Boundary

Mrs Rachel Hex


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Rachel Hex

Wattle Downs should not be moved to the Flatbush electorate as the suburb is nowhere near Flatbush. Wattle Downs is in South Auckland not East Auckland.

Suggested solution

Keep Wattle Downs in the electorate that it is currently in.
N24-018 Rongomai Primary School Objection Boundary

Rongomai Primary School


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Rongomai Primary School

• Align suburb named 'Flat Bush’ with electorate named 'FLAT BUSH'
• Share common attributes with the new Flat Bush electorate than Botany
• Characteristics of the suburbs of south Botany are more in harmony with the new Flat Bush electorate than the northern part of Botany.
• The parent community belong to Flat Bush area and have greater affinity to the new electorate than the current electorate of Botany
• It would help in better community development, use and management of resources reflecting the desires and ambitions of the people in the electorate.
• The local MP will be able to carry out their functions to serve a more comparable and consistent in their demographic attributes.

Suggested solution

Extend ORMISTON ROAD all the way to PRESTON ROAD and BOUNDARY ROAD up to Te Irrirangi Dr.

N24-019 Mrs Sue Davis Objection Boundary

Mrs Sue Davis


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Sue Davis

I would Like WattleDowns to stay in the Papakura electorate under MP Judith Collins
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