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Displaying 291 - 300 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N26-002 South Waikato District Council Objection Boundary

South Waikato District Council


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

South Waikato District Council

There are two main effects of the proposed boundary move.
1. Perceived division within our District, which may negate the efforts that have been in place to unify all the areas in the South Waikato District into one district. There is a perception within some of the Tīrau community that Tīrau has a closer association with Matamata and Cambridge instead of the South Waikato and the proposed boundary change may reinforce these mind-sets.
2. The Council will be required to communicate with an additional elected MP (Waikato). There is no changed proposed to the Māori electoral boundaries of Te Tai Hauāuru. Having two elected ministers has positive and negative effects and that can be attributed to any additional portfolios they may be assigned and their parties' agendas/policies.
The South Waikato District Council is not supportive of the Tīrau community moving into the Waikato Electorate

Suggested solution

Have the boundaries for Tirau and Putaruru remain as they currently are.
N26-003 Mrs Katrina Simoson Objection Boundary

Mrs Katrina Simoson


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Katrina Simoson

i feel that it will segregate Tiraunfrim the rest of our Council area. it will be Tokoroa, Putaruru and then us. Also council will have two MPs to work with. Im very happy with Louise Upston in our Taupo area, she is amazing and taljs to all areas regularly, I personally like how she votea on certain issues as well. I feel we would fall through the gaps if boundary changed

Suggested solution

Jeep it as it is. Dont split up council districts.
N26-004 Mrs Cassandra Robinson Objection Boundary

Mrs Cassandra Robinson


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Cassandra Robinson

I understand that Tirau is to change from Taupo Ward to Waikato. My worry with this is that our Tirau Ward is split, that only part of our ward is moving electorates which divides our strength.

Suggested solution

Move the entire Tirau Ward as defined by the SWDC to Waikato Electorate.
N26-005 Mr John Coles Objection Boundary

Mr John Coles


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr John Coles

A proposed Boundary Change of the small area of Land bounded by Hydro R, The Waikato River and the Ferguson River Bridge
This area to be incorporated into Taupo electorate from Waikato electorate. I or We live on the Waikato side of Hydro Rd
N26-601 Mr Steve Belton Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr Steve Belton



Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Steve Belton

Currently, a portion of the residential part of Karapiro Village is in the Taupo Electorate. However, the bulk of the community is in the Waikato Electorate – including Karapiro Primary School, the Community Hall, the Service Centre, Hire Centre, local café. Having a split community is not ideal, however, the suggestion of 'Objection N26-001' would only exacerbate the issue. The Karapiro community is much more than the residential houses in the Village, and incorporates a significant rural area up Karapiro Rd, wholly in the Waikato Electorate. This Boundary Review would be an appropriate time to realign the current boundary & bring the whole community together.

Suggested solution

The existing boundary follows the Waikato River south from Cambridge to Karapiro Village – and I propose that the river continues to be the boundary, down as far as Horahora Rd. This would also effectively align with the current Maori Electorate boundary. Making this minor change would mean the boundary no longer disects Karapiro Village and instead would follow the more natural boundary of the Waikato River. This change would only impact approximately 280 residents over this 12km distance, and is a much more natural boundary, which would no longer split the Karapiro community.
N28-001 Mark Servian Objection Boundary, name

Mark Servian


Hamilton East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mark Servian

The traditional ‘East’ and ‘West’ electorates In Hamilton do not reflect the reality that the city is now divided north-south on social, political and demographic grounds.
Most Hamiltonians would recognise this reality and, I believe, agree with the statement above.
What ‘hard’ evidence can I point to?
The Hamilton City Council’s 2018 Representation Review made the following points when considering a north-south split for their wards.
Option 3: Two ward with a North/South divide
Data which could support this option:
• Northern areas of Hamilton share similar demographic characteristics (Census 2013)
o High proportions of European
o Less ethnic diversity
o Higher incomes
o Higher median ages
• Southern areas of Hamilton share similar demographic characteristics (census 2013)
o Higher levels of ethnic diversity
o Lower incomes
o Younger population
There is a clear North/South divide when we consider where people shop relative to where they live
• Shopping patterns (community profile survey 2018)
Refer to Page 2 at
Also, the mapping of the 2017 General Election results published by The Spinoff indicates that Hamilton is clearly divided north-south in terms of voting patterns.
Refer to the ‘Hamilton’ link at
The facts pointed to at the links above should be further investigated by the Commission, as confirmation would suggest such a north-south divide would most closely fulfil the terms of the Act.

Suggested solution

‘Hamilton North’ or ‘Mangaharakeke’ would consist of Te Rapa, Pukete, Horsham Downs (currently proposed to be added to Hamilton West), Flagstaff, Rototuna, Huntington, Queenswood, and Chartwell.
‘Hamilton South’ or ‘Kirikiriroa’ would consist of Nawton, Maeroa, Dinsdale, Frankton, Melville, Glenview, Fairfield, Claudelands, Hamilton East and Hillcrest.
N29-001 Karen Lysaght Objection Boundary

Karen Lysaght


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Karen Lysaght

The Omokoroa community lives, works, goes to school and plays in the Tauranga area. Tauranga and the local WBOP shape our experience. While traditionally viewed/positioned in a rural belt it is in fact a residential zone and it is far better aligned with the interests of the BoP not Coromandel.

Suggested solution

Retain the current zoning
N29-002 Janelle Carter Objection Boundary

Janelle Carter


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Janelle Carter

Omokoroa being proposed to add into Coromandal. We are no where near Coromandal. it makes no sense at all. Bay of Plenty / Western Bay of Plenty / Tauranga I can understand.

Suggested solution

Dont add OMOKOROA to Coromandal. Come up with another solution please.
N29-003 Mark Mayston Objection Boundary

Mark Mayston


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mark Mayston

Shifting of the boundaries for Omokoroa and putting them into coromandel, this area has been mucked around now with several times, this area is not coromandel in any way we are truly part of BOP with great representation and have managed to make great headway with our current representation. You need to find the balance we are part of the western bay nothing about that relate to the coromandel. It was crap last time and will be crap again. It would good to know what the representatives think of the change.

Suggested solution

Leave it as it is.
N29-004 Dr Jean-Paul Thull Objection Boundary

Dr Jean-Paul Thull


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Dr Jean-Paul Thull

FACT: There is a proposal to shift the Coromandel electoral further south. Right now it, sits at Katikati and the proposal is to shift the boundary further down to Omokoroa to capture a few more people.
While I do understand some rationale, I wish to highlight the inconsistency with existing district boundaries in the first place, where Waihi would be the logical boundary. The Coromandel is very different from the Western Bay of Plenty and geographically wide-spread, to allow MPs to cover properly the issues in both areas, as they are different. While the Coromandel is closely related to tourism, resilience issues in terms of infrastructure, bio-diversity, nature conservation, small town survival modus and logging, Western Bay is mainly dealing with horticulture and peri-urban growth and all effects of these (e.g. congestion, road safety SH2, Port access, residential development).
This means that much of the work and involvement of any MP required, will play in two areas… Thames/Coromandel/Whitianga and Katikati/Omokoroa/Tauranga, both geographically/travel time-wise not convenient at all. As a member of public, I wish to have easy access to my local MP and expect my local MP to attend local or regional meetings affecting my region. Tauranga has grown quickly into Greater Tauranga region, requiring holistic leadership where local MPs need to have access to. In this case, it will be difficult to require the Coromandel MP to cover an increasing geographical area. I would even propose to shift the boundary back to Waihi, as Katikati issues are Western Bay DC issues and should be represented by a local MP like we had Hon Todd Muller so far. Right now, I am very pleased to have excellent access to my local MP and realising he has a good understanding of the issues, as he loves local.

Suggested solution

I would appreciate considering the geographical and regional issues versus just bums on seats as the new system is proposing. This should not undermine my high consideration I have for Hon Scott Simpson, current Coromandel MP. While the new system may work fine for some regions, I propose to shift back the current electoral boundary to Waihi, allowing to have MP for Coromandel to fully concentrate on the issues of Coromandel.
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