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Number Name Submission Change type View
N47-601 Max Shierlaw Counter-Objection Name

Max Shierlaw


Hutt South

Relates to objections

This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Max Shierlaw

Te Awaikairangi is a name used for the entire Hutt Valley and is not specific to Lower Hutt. For example Awaikairangi Park is in Upper Hutt which is the present Rimutaka electorate. If the electorate name is to be changed to a Maori name then the local Iwi and Rununga should be proposing the change. The electorate's name should not be changed on the basis of a single objection to a Representation Review.

Suggested solution

Perhaps change the electorate's name to "Lower Hutt South" to reflect the legal name of the City. "Hutt" is only the legal name for the local Council. While the electorate doesn't encompass the entire City, it is made up entirely of parts of Lower Hutt City.
N48-001 Robert Davies Objection Boundary

Robert Davies


Wellington Central
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Robert Davies

The dividing line between Wellington Central and Ohariu cuts through Wilton. I think this is against your general policy and caused problems for one of the candidates last election. Have attached map showing Wilton Boundaries (as of a few years back but I don't think it has changed).

Suggested solution

Put all of Wilton into Wellington Central
N48-601 Mr John Plunkett Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr John Plunkett


Wellington Central

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr John Plunkett

I have lived in the Electorate for the majority of my life and the local people are aware of the boundaries and how they fit in the local region.
The boundaries are within the population tolerance and should not change.
The election is in less than nine months potentially and making a change like this could disenfranchise local voters which is not necessary.
The Wilton suburb is firmly in the Wellington Central Electorate and the current boundary is sufficient to provide separation between Wilton and Wadestown.

Suggested solution

Leave the boundaries for Ohariu as they are currently drawn
N49-001 Siri Shannon Objection Boundary

Siri Shannon


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Siri Shannon

I would like to lodge an objection to the boundary between Rongotai and Wellington Central along Adelaide road in Mount Cook. In the local body elections this area was able to vote in the Lambton ward. A person may live on this section of Adelaide road and yet never set foot in Newtown. It makes more sense for the Rongotai electorate to be east of the tunnel, and begin at the north end of Riddiford Street.
S02-001 Mr Chris Geddes Objection Boundary

Mr Chris Geddes


West Coast-Tasman
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Chris Geddes

Here goes a spanner in the works! The West Coast-Tasman electorate is the second largest in the country by area, and the largest in distance (from one end to the other.)
It is also fragmented - the southern alps slices the electorate in two. There is absolutely no commonality of interest between the West Coast and the Tasman District. Coasters travel to Christchurch and its environs more frequently for business and supplies than they do to Tasman. The West Coast mail and courier services are all serviced from Christchurch, the trains connect the West Coast to Christchurch, our fuel comes from Christchurch as does the majority of our foodstuff supplies. Hokitika Airport connects to Christchurch. In short, notwithstanding that the West Coast is still separated from Canterbury by the southern alps, that is the area with which we have a commonality of interest. Medical evacuations from the Coast invariably cross to Christchurch - although Nelson has excellent local infrastructure it is considered just too remote to be of much interest or service to Coasters.
The Coast is poorly represented as a result of this historic anomaly. Our local MP lives in the northern end of the electorate at present, and seldom visits the coast. I do not blame him for ignoring the Coast, it is just too bloody difficult for him to get here. To visit the coast he may be lucky enough to get the early bird from Nelson to Christchurch, then another flight to Hokitika. But if he misses the early bird, then he must travel to Wellington first, then Christchurch before crossing to Hokitika, and then having to find his way north to the Greymouth RSA where he holds constituent clinics. The poor bugger arrives in Grey right on lunchtime, so unless he has packed a picnic lunch he does not begin to see constituents until 1:30-ish - then has to be back in Hokitika to get the last bird out at 5:30. Constituents are frustrated at the tyranny of distance - there would not be many locations in New Zealand where your local MP's office may be 500km's away through some of the most unforgiving terrain that our country has to offer.
Only yesterday I was talking to our local tyre merchant, he had just done a day trip to Christchurch to collect some stock, and when I asked him whether he considered purchasing stock from Nelson he replied that he was "not that brave or stupid."

Suggested solution

I would respectfully request that you consider pushing the electorate eastward over the alps rather than northward to Golden Bay. For the most populous areas of the coast Canterbury is far more accessible and accessed far more frequently than Tasman District. I would suggest drawing a line encompassing all of the West Coast, up the Grey Valley to Inangahua Junction (or even to Murchison) then across the alps to include a portion of west Canterbury.
I understand that this is a very challenging electorate for you to consider, but the West Coast has been forgotten for far too long and I believe it to be worthy of some consideration. Thank you for reading this far - Regards Chris Geddes
S02-002 Mrs Mary Lafrentz Objection Boundary

Mrs Mary Lafrentz


West Coast-Tasman
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Mary Lafrentz

It is ridiculous to arrange boundaries to suit a population. These keep changing due to the climate, work and many other reasons. For one person to be able to bike around their area, and another need a whole day or more to get from one end to the other is unreasonable and does not provide fair representation to the larger area. West Coast is already a huge committment; to any member, to make it larger is manic.

Suggested solution

Leave the boundaries as they are or make the boundary of Nelson larger to take in the close communities south of the present boundary; that would not be as easier served by a member further away.
I have not researched the boundary to the south of West Coast. This may need a check also.
S02-003 Mr Philip de Weck Objection Boundary

Mr Philip de Weck


West Coast-Tasman
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Philip de Weck

Brightwater is essentially a dormitory township for Richmond and Nelson. Their interests, from a political view point, are those of the Nelson electorate. To remove them from this and arbitrarily place them in the West Coast electorate is a grave invasion of their democratic rights and a denial of their ability to be involved in local matters that may materially affect them. It is for these reasons that I strongly object to the proposal.
S02-004 Mr Bryan Scoles Objection Boundary

Mr Bryan Scoles


West Coast-Tasman
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Bryan Scoles

I am a Brightwater resident and object to be included within the Tasman-West Coast Electorate. I consider that my interests are better served by a Nelson located government representative. Given the geographic size of the Tasman-West Coast electorate I consider any specific issues that arose in Brightwater would just be lost to the other big issues that that region suffers from namely the economic decline and population that is occurring on the West Coast.
This proposed boundary change feels as though Brightwater residents views are being sacrificed just to make up the numbers for the population decline on the West Coast. This seems undemocratic.
I work in Richmond and a large number of Brightwater residents work in either Richmond and Nelson and therefore I consider that Brightwater has more connections to this electorate than the Tasman West Coast

Suggested solution

I suggest leaving the electorate boundaries as they are for this region. Although the changes are being undertaken for population reasons more consideration needs to considered for the geographic size of an electorate. Given the large size and geographic separation of the Tasman West Coast, it must be difficult for the representative to effectively get around that whole district to engage with its residents.
S02-005 Mrs Marissa Kerwin-Boulton Objection Boundary

Mrs Marissa Kerwin-Boulton


West Coast-Tasman
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Marissa Kerwin-Boulton

Don’t want to be changed to west coast electric - why vote for an electric area based three hours away?! when should be voting for Nelson where I actually spend my time & live my life!!!

Suggested solution

Don’t change the electric boundaries
S02-006 Vivienne Boulton Objection Boundary

Vivienne Boulton


West Coast-Tasman
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Vivienne Boulton

Change from Nelson to West Coast electorate - not interested in this change as its not my district. Nelson is my lifestyle, want to vote for my lifestyle in my hometown region of Nelson.

Suggested solution

Don't change the voting boundaries for this region
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