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Displaying 271 - 280 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N24-020 Sandra Jelliman Objection Boundary

Sandra Jelliman


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Sandra Jelliman

We are South Auckland Wattle Downs not East and including us in the Flat Bush electorate makes no senes to me at all.

Suggested solution

Keep us as we are.
N24-021 Ms Linda Jordan Objection Boundary

Ms Linda Jordan


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Ms Linda Jordan

I live in Wattle Downs, a southern subdivision of Manurewa. We are currently part of Papakura electorate, which in itself is strange but this new idea is even stranger. Why take us out of our local area and put us with homes that are in a suburb that far away!

Suggested solution

Why not take the northern end of the Manurewa electorate instead (Papatoetoe/Manukau).
N24-022 Jacinda Prattley Objection Boundary

Jacinda Prattley


Flat Bush
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Jacinda Prattley

Wattle Downs is NOT in or near Flat Bush. It's on the other side of the motor way and much further south. Wattle Downs is part of Manurewa and we like it that way. Moving the boundary will make us lose our identity. We are South. Leave us where we are.

Suggested solution

Leave Wattle Downs with Manurewa or Papakura. NOT Flatbush.
N24-601 Daniel Newman Counter-Objection Boundary

Daniel Newman


Flat Bush

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Daniel Newman

I am an Auckland Councillor representing the Manurewa-Papakura Ward. My Ward covers the majority of the existing Manurewa and Papakura electorate, and is potentially going to cover the majority of the Flat Bush electorate depending on the outcome of the current Representation Review.
I wish to make the following counter-objection to objection N24-001 by the New Zealand Labour Party (“Labour Party”), which should be read alongside my objection to the Representation Commission.
The Labour Party’s objection to the proposed Manurewa/Flat Bush boundary is based in erroneous statements and assumptions.
Contrary to the Labour Party’s objection, Weymouth has a long history as an established community within the wider Manurewa suburban area. In 1857 the district was surveyed into small holdings and town lots.
Weymouth is both intrinsically and practically linked to Manurewa, for example:
1. public transport routes link both Weymouth and Clendon to Manurewa;
2. Weymouth school children predominantly attend primary schools in Weymouth and Clendon before graduating to James Cook High School in Manurewa;
3. evidence from the Weymouth Residents and Ratepayers’ Association in response to Oranga Tamariki’s application to change to designation of Whakatapokai to accommodate Youth Justice young people point out that the communities of interest codified for a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) include both Clendon and Manurewa West as well as the Weymouth Peninsula.
The Labour Party’s objection recommends the inclusion of the Weymouth Peninsula into the Flat Bush electorate. As Weymouth is a community on a peninsula, the Labour Party’s recommendation would in effect require the Commission to establish an electorate based on communities living in semi-isolation connected by one road (Mahia Road) while ignoring established communities of interest. At no stage in its post-war history has Weymouth existed in a parliamentary electorate separate from Manurewa.
Unlike Weymouth, the Wattle Downs Peninsula has remained relatively separate from Manurewa. Over the years, Wattle Downs has existed in various parliamentary electorates, and has been within the Papakura electorate boundary over the past four general elections. The Commission is correct to identify the Wattle Downs Peninsula comprising both Wattle Downs and Mahia Park as communities of interest distinct from the Weymouth Peninsula (which is separated by the Waimahia Inlet).
Wattle Downs has a community of interest that aligns with both Takanini and Manurewa South (as opposed to Weymouth, which aligns with Clendon and Manurewa West). Recent plan change applications, traffic and road planning, and greenways planning reflects greater integration between Wattle Downs and Waiata Shores in Conifer Grove.
Both the Greenmeadows and Manurewa South are established residential neighbourhoods; but neither exist in splendid isolation. There are no topographical features or infrastructure links that separate either neighbourhood from other neighbourhoods within the proposed Flat Bush parliamentary electorate. By way of example:
1. active transport infrastructure to accommodate walking and cycling is being established to link Greenmeadows and Waiata Shores in Conifer Grove;
2. a plan change has been adopted by Auckland Council to enable the establishment of a new local shopping centre at Te Napi Drive to provide shopping options specifically to meet the consumer needs of residents in Manurewa South, Greenmeadows, Wattle Downs and Conifer Grove; and
3. Greenmeadows and Manurewa South residents have a long history of shared representation with neighbourhoods in Takanini and Papakura as well as Manurewa. Indeed, the local government ward boundary includes both Greenmeadows and Manurewa South in the Manurewa-Papakura Ward alongside other proposed Flat Bush neighbourhoods such as Wattle Downs, Conifer Grove, Takanini, Randwick Park, The Gardens and Totara Park (the ward boundaries have applied over the past four local government elections).
I consider that the Representation Commission must weigh a communities of interest argument against the prevailing need to ensure one vote-one value, and create electorates that have equal representation. To this extent, I continue to support the proposed Flat Bush electorate boundary and oppose the changes recommended by the Labour Party.
The Botany electorate has existed since a Representation Review in 2007, and was first contested in 2008. That electorate was established to accommodate rapid residential development in the early 2000s.
The area south of Dawson Road proposed by the Labour Party for inclusion in the Flat Bush electorate does not exist in splendid isolation vis-à-vis other communities within the Botany electorate. Nor does the inclusion of an existing community within its existing electorate invite “… questions at best and mistrust of our processes at worst”. I submit that this is one example where the changes recommended by the Labour Party would practically separate that community from important communities of interest, and for an outcome that is unnecessary in terms of equal representation and existing electorate boundaries.
The inclusion of Murphy’s Bush Reserve and Orimiston into the Botany electorate as recommended by the Labour Party is unnecessary in terms of equal representation and existing electorate boundaries.
The Botany electorate does not need to increase to comply with the quota for a North Island electorate. The communities around Murphy’s Bush and Ormiston are part of a new community that will continue to grow over the next decade (and this is already projected by the Representation Commission). At present, this area of Auckland is broadly divided by the electorate boundary dividing the existing Hunua and Papakura electorates.
I submit that a better approach would be to amalgamate those areas of Flat Bush within the existing Hunua electorate with the communities of Redoubt within the existing Papakura electorate, and combine them within the proposed Flat Bush electorate as proposed by the Representation Commission in its proposed boundary.
Inevitably, parliamentary electorate boundaries will need to be reviewed again following the next Census. However, the scale and timing of growth within an area of Auckland that is still to be developed makes further changes unnecessary and premature at this time.
In my objection (N24-005) I objected to the name of the Flat Bush electorate. I recommended changing the name of the electorate to “Flat Bush-Takaanini” to better reflect a sense of place.
I share the concerns of other submitters who have raised objections about the name of the Flat Bush electorate and will speak to this matter before the Commission when it convenes hearings. I believe the Representation Commission got the boundaries right in its initial proposal. However, the name of the Flat Bush electorate requires further consideration noting balance of population and local history that defines its geographic place within outer suburban South Auckland.

Suggested solution

Reject all recommended changes codified in N24-001 by the New Zealand Labour Party as they relate to (a) the Manurewa/Flat Bush electorate boundary; and (b) the Botany/Flat Bush electorate boundary.
N24-602 Mr & Mrs Richard & Uinise Smythe Counter-Objection Boundary, name

Mr & Mrs Richard & Uinise Smythe


Flat Bush

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr & Mrs Richard & Uinise Smythe

We concur with the suggested name of ‘Takanini’ for this new electorate. The joy with this name is it is a Maori name. This name incorporates a wider collection of people than those from the Flat Bush community. The name ‘Takanini’ therefore has a much stronger cultural significance to the area.
We suggest the new electorate retain Wattle Downs. We live in Conifer Grove. Wattle Downs has shared a neighbourly connection with Conifer Grove residents and is presently a part of the Papakura community and electorate. Wattle Downs has a stronger community of interest and common infrastructure links with Takanini.
We also would like to suggest that Weymouth remain in the Manurewa electorate. Weymouth is quite distant from Takanini. The clear natural and geographic divide is the Waimahia creek. The people of Weymouth shop and school in Manurewa, not Takanini. In our experience, the Takanini and Weymouth communities appear to be quite separate. Perhaps Weymouth and Manurewa share a closer relationship with each other. In this regard, the same type of argument applies to the Botany and Otara communities. Should these different communities be placed together in a single electorate, it could make the electorate identity more difficult to consolidate.
These suggestions, we feel, preserve a community sense of shared identity within the constraints imposed by geographic boundary lines.

Suggested solution

As above; l mentioned together. Thank You for the opportunity to express feedback. :-)
N24-603 Jan Robinson Counter-Objection Name

Jan Robinson


Flat Bush

Relates to objections

N24-006, N24-009, N24-010
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Jan Robinson

I object to the suggestion names offered by N24-006, N24-009 and N24-010 for the Flatbush electorate.
Manukau South is vague and is not relevant to much of the area. Totara Park does not reflect the huge urban area of Flatbush.
Much of the current Flatbush area will not be in the proposed electorate therefore the name is not appropriate.

Suggested solution

The new electorate should be called Takanini or even Takaanini. Conifer Grove, Waiata Shores, Addison, and Kauri Flats are all part of Takanini. It would therefore be logical that the new electorate has that name.
N24-604 Jan Robinson Counter-Objection Boundary

Jan Robinson


Flat Bush

Relates to objections

N24-014, N24-017, N24-020, N24-021
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Jan Robinson

I disagree with the objections from N24-014, N24-017, N24-020 and N24-021 that Wattle Downs should not be part of the new Flatbush electorate.
I disagree with the suggestion that it should be part of Manurewa. A majority of the residents associate more with Conifer Grove, Takanini and the new sub-division of Waiata Shores. The residents use the conveniences of the shops cafes and the Takanini Urgent Care Medical Centre.
The fact that objector N24-017 fears a Flatbush MP may not live in the electorate is irrelevant as many MPs do not live in their electorate.
Objectors N24-20 and 21 state they live in South Auckland, not East Auckland. However a large amount of the proposed Flatbush electorate will be in South Auckland.

Suggested solution

Wattle Downs should be included in the Flatbush electorate.
N24-605 Mr Geoff Hall Counter-Objection Name

Mr Geoff Hall


Flat Bush

Relates to objections

This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Geoff Hall

I can see why people object to the name 'Flat Bush' The electorate covers such a vast area, all with claims to a local name. However there can only be one name and it has to reflect a general Icon for the area. Totara or Totara Park are the only names that could be embraced by the many 'local' areas included in this change. The name Totara Park, could suggest a more acceptable name that could be adopted by many cultures. I'm sure the committee working on this project are doing their best to provide the best options for all. Hopefully they will take some indications from the majority of acceptances and/or objections.

Suggested solution

Name the new electorate 'Totara Park'.
N24-606 Michael Guthrie Counter-Objection Name

Michael Guthrie


Flat Bush

Relates to objections

N24-004, N24-005, N24-007, N24-008
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Michael Guthrie

Like the others, we (strongly) OBJECT to the name change “FLAT BUSH”.
The name itself totally inappropriate – it doesn’t offer any sense of identity. And it even has negative connotations.
Furthermore, the suburb of Flat Bush is a considerable distance from most of the other suburbs within this new electoral boundary –
it is nowhere near many of them! (The same can be said for another suggestion – Takanini).

Suggested solution

TOTARA would be an acceptable neutral name.
But Manukau South would better describe all the areas/suburbs covered in this new electorate...
although some parts of it are more in the East, and of course we already have Manukau East.
So maybe - because this new electorate is so widespread across different areas of Manukau – just MANUKAU might be the best name for it.
N25-001 Bryce Collin Objection Name

Bryce Collin


Port Waikato
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Bryce Collin

I couldn’t find the electorate my objection was in because it’s called Hunua not Port Waikato. While port Waikato is a cool place it does not represent the electorate as a whole which stretches from one coast to the other. Franklin would have been a much much better name choice as it refers to the entire area. Please don’t name it Port Waikato, name it Franklin - Ka Pai

Suggested solution

Franklin. Refers to the whole area. Not just taking the name of one tiny ass town at the edge of the electorate. Come on guys who even came up with this?
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