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Displaying 241 - 250 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N23-016 Mr Denis Currie QSO Objection Boundary

Mr Denis Currie QSO


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Denis Currie QSO

My submission is in support of the Commissions recommendation for the Papakura electorate.
My wife and I have previously been a resident in Papakura from 1970 to 2000, and will shortly be moving into ‘Karaka Lifestyle Estate’ which will be within the Papakura electorate boundary.
Papakura city is mainly urban, and should clearly remain within the Papakura electorate. However it is logical rural areas such as Karaka, Kingseat, Clevedon, Maeratai and Beachlands are included to create the perfect electorate balance.
There is tremendous growth within this area, particularly in the Drury district, and it is logical electorates need to adjust to accommodate this.
In fact I believe the proposed submission will allow for this rapid growth without need for any significant modification for some years to come.
It would seem the Commission in their research have simply confirmed the significant growth that is taking place, and have identified this fact in the recommendations made.
The Commission is to be commended for their work.
I respectfully recommend that this proposal is supported and adopted without further change.
N23-017 Mrs Mary Ann France Objection Boundary

Mrs Mary Ann France


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Mary Ann France

I applaud your proposed Electorate Boundary Changes in order to make more equitous distribution of constituents in this area. Having been a resident of Summerset Retirement Village Karaka Papakura for nearly 2 years, I feel included in this neighbourhood. I started my teaching career at Papakura High School when this area was still “out in the country”. I Absolutely loved it.. My life has changed and I chose to move to Summerset at Karaka… I would not appreciate being part of a Hunua or the proposed Port Waikato electorate. I have no affiliation to the Pukekohe or Counties district.

Suggested solution

that we stick to the stated planned Boundary Changes.
these seem an ideal resolution to the increased population in this growing area.
N23-018 Mrs Christine King Objection Boundary

Mrs Christine King


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Christine King

I would like to congratulate the Representation Commission on the most well thought out, carefully planned and sensibly fashioned boundary changes that have been proposed for a long time!
Electorates now make sense both from a both a constituent's or a member of Parliament's point of view.
The Electorates now seem to flow and take into account the growth in the population in South and East Auckland whilst allowing for further growth in the future. Also the community of interests within the areas are far more balanced and logical in the way the whole area is divided.

Suggested solution

Please do not change the proposed boundaries. They are excellent.
N23-019 Mr Gerard Van den Bogaart Objection Boundary

Mr Gerard Van den Bogaart


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Gerard Van den Bogaart

This is a good result. It keeps the rural Papakura with the town.

Suggested solution

No changes needed
N23-020 Ms Margaret Fleming Objection Boundary, name

Ms Margaret Fleming


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Ms Margaret Fleming

The change to the geographical boundaries group communities in a more logical and cohesive manner. It will be easier for the electorate to work as an entity.
I suggest that keeping the electorate name of Papakura does not reflect the significant population change within the new boundaries and may well cause confusion about to which electorate people now belong.
Changing the name to say "Clevedon" or "Franklin" for example, signifies that the electorate boundaries are not the same

Suggested solution

I suggest changing the name of the new boundaries Papakura electorate would reflect the significant population change of the electorate and avoid confusion.
"Clevedon" and "Franklin" are well known area names which could confirm that for thouseands of people their electorate has changed.
N23-021 Jenny Carter Objection Boundary

Jenny Carter


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Jenny Carter

The majority of the community commutes towards the city. The proposal of moving our electorate to Papakura, is geographically and physically impractical. We come under the East Health Trust of medical services, and our kids are zoned to go Howick College. By grouping us in with Papakura, it is a juxtaposition to the development and natural flow of the community.

Suggested solution

We come under Flatbush, as this is geographically closer. The current public transport is in this direction, where there is no public transport to Papakura, therefore would make it difficult to access the electorate office for the poor of our community. The children go to college in the Howick area and develop their networks towards East Auckland, and have a strong historical tie in this area for education. Given the high suicide for our youth, they should not be further marginalised. Our seniors retire in this area, and it is closer to their extended family, traditionally, so it makes sense we have robust representation in this geographic location. There appears to be no good argument to support Papakura. I support my proposal with evidence that I have been working in my community for 7 years, and have a good understanding of its development.
N23-022 Russell Bennison Objection Boundary

Russell Bennison


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Russell Bennison

The large population growth that has occurred in Papakura means that the Electorate is one of those where extensive changes to the boundaries was necessary. The Representation Commissions proposals for the new boundaries are sensible.
The areas of Clevedon, Whitford, Beachlands. Maraeti and Orere Point have previously been in the same Electorate as Papakura ie Clevedon Electorate.

Suggested solution

I agree with the Commissions proposed new boundaries and believe no further changes are required.
N23-601 Mrs Christine King Counter-Objection Boundary

Mrs Christine King



Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Christine King

For many years the area through from Whitford, round the coast, including Clevedon to Orere Point were all part of the, currently called Papakura Electorate. It worked extremely well then and there is no reason why it should not do so again. Children from Clevedon are in the zone for Papakura High School and people from around the coast go into Papakura for many different requirements.

Suggested solution

Please leave the proposed boundaries as they are. The changes are sensible and will work well.
N23-602 Jan Robinson Counter-Objection Boundary

Jan Robinson



Relates to objections

N23-007, N23-008
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Jan Robinson

The township of Clevedon and the surrounding rural area were at one time in the electorate of Clevedon which included Maraetai, Whitford and Papakura. At the previous boundary changes Clevedon became part of the Hunua electorate.
The proposed changes puts these areas back into the Papakura electorate. The residents of Clevedon use the many facilities available in Papakura - 2 theatres, supermarkets, RSA, the Aquatic Centre and the Edmund Hillary Library to name just a few. For these reasons I disagree with the objections N23-007 and N23-008.

Suggested solution

Retain the proposed boundary changes for Papakura
N23-603 Mr John O'Connor Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr John O'Connor



Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr John O'Connor

Counter objection to N23.007
The objector's contention in N23.007 appears to be a fear that smaller rural areas will tend to be overwhelmed by larger urban portions of the electorate.
These smaller areas, including Clevedon, with which the objector identifies, have previously been grouped with Papakura city, in a former electorate, and there is no evidence to support the contention that this has happened in the past.
I cannot imagine any electorate MP treating constituents differently, depending on where they lived within the electorate.
The proposed boundaries will result in a balanced, cohesive entity, and should proceed unchanged.

Suggested solution

Keep the proposed boundaries as they currently stand
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