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Displaying 181 - 190 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N20-607 Ms Bevan Chuang Counter-Objection Boundary

Ms Bevan Chuang


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-006, N20-007, N20-009, N20-033, N20-036, N20-037, N20-038, N20-047
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Ms Bevan Chuang

The Tamaki Estuary does extend all the way down to Otahuhu and I note parts of Manukau East currently includes the Estuary.
N20-608 Ms Bevan Chuang Counter-Objection Boundary

Ms Bevan Chuang


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-002, N20-005, N20-007, N20-009, N20-014, N20-020, N20-026, N20-028, N20-030, N20-034, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-043, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-051, N20-055, N20-059, N20-062
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Ms Bevan Chuang

The claim that Panmure will not be properly represented and its issues not listened to cannot be possibly made as representation is determined by the elected MP for the new seat. There is no telling where that new MP will decide to locate their office or what sort of representative that member of parliament will be
N20-609 Debbie Burrows Counter-Objection Name

Debbie Burrows


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Debbie Burrows

The electorate name is Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill). This could perhaps denote that greater precedence and unity is needed for the western end. The eastern end of the Commission’s proposed electorate has greater capacity to change. Labour need to reconcile that some suburbs have to be lost in Maungakiekie to cater for the change in population.
N20-610 Debbie Burrows Counter-Objection Boundary

Debbie Burrows


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-001, N20-005, N20-007, N20-009, N20-010, N20-011, N20-015, N20-016, N20-020, N20-023, N20-026, N20-028, N20-029, N20-030, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-042, N20-043, N20-044, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-050, N20-051, N20-052, N20-055, N20-058
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Debbie Burrows

Submissions that reference TRC and it's change in population/connection to Panmure.
Similar large-scale developments to TRC are also occurring in the Maungakiekie suburbs of Oranga and Onehunga. These developments by Kainga Ora will also see additional population increases, so the proposed Maungakiekie electorate cannot have three major population increasing developments when the purpose of boundary reviews is to make sure electorates are proportional. Note, not only an issue for Panmure, there’s large-scale developments all over Auckland you cannot hold up boundary changes because of current developments, because then changes based on population will never occur.
N20-611 Debbie Burrows Counter-Objection Boundary

Debbie Burrows


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-008, N20-009, N20-016, N20-017
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Debbie Burrows

The boundary change is not based on socio-economics and gerrymandering, but on population sized according to the latest census. The Representation Commission is the independent body that is made up of public officials and Government and Opposition appointees. Therefore the recommendations by the Representation Commission are fair and proportionate.
N20-612 Debbie Burrows Counter-Objection Boundary

Debbie Burrows


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-002, N20-005, N20-007, N20-009, N20-014, N20-020, N20-026, N20-028, N20-030, N20-034, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-043, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-051, N20-055, N20-059, N20-062
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Debbie Burrows

Submissions that reference Panmure will not be properly represented in the new electorate.
The claim that Panmure will not be properly represented and its issues not listened to cannot be possibly made. Representation is determined by the elected MP for the new seat, and there is no telling at this point in time where that new MP will decide to locate their office or what sort of representative member of parliament they will be.
N20-613 Mr Murray Hawkins Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr Murray Hawkins


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Murray Hawkins

Myself being of Maori descent our community is our home.
I have resided in Mount Wellington for over 25 years. We have had several boundary changes over the year. Just leave us be.
Nothing against Manukau East electorates but Mount Wellington has no community of interest with these suburbs. Historically Mount Welington has more common relationship Panmure, Penrose, Point England and Ellerslie as its natural neighbours and where we have common interests in sharing sport facilities.
2. The submission boundary map moves in and out of streets off Penrose rather than sticking to a clean-cut boundary line like the Mt Wellington Rail Line. The separating communities of interest. Mt Wellington will be split from our maunga (Maungarei).

Suggested solution

If there is to being a boundary changes and following communities of interest. Namely, Glen Innes, Tamaki, Panmure, Mt Wellington, Penrose, Sylvia and Ellerslie. This electorate should be called Maungarei (Maori name for Mt Wellington) as this is our mountain we look to for community strength.
N20-614 Sunny Kaushal Counter-Objection Boundary

Sunny Kaushal


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-001, N20-002, N20-003, N20-009, N20-010, N20-011, N20-016, N20-020, N20-023, N20-026, N20-029, N20-030, N20-034, N20-036, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-043, N20-045, N20-046, N20-047, N20-048, N20-049, N20-051, N20-052, N20-055, N20-058, N20-064
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Sunny Kaushal

Counter-submission (1): Labour Party Counter-Submission N20-003
Objection and reason: Labour's suggested boundary splits Mt Wellington. Their map cuts along Penrose Road and moves in and out of side streets, cutting multiple streets in half (between two different electorates) according to random mesh-blocks rather than communities of interest. These streets include: Penrose Road, Panorama Road, Barrack Road, Mt Wellington Highway. The more straight-forward solution is separating the proposed Maungakiekie and Manukau East electorates along the rail line as per the Commission’s draft. This line acts as a natural boundary. Mt Wellington has historically been in the Maungakiekie electorate, unlike Panmure and Point England.

Counter-submission (2): submissions that reference the separation of the Panmure train station from the Panmure community.
Objection and reason: Object to the notion that Panmure will be separated from it's train station and therefore should not be subject to change. There are several examples where a community’s main train station/transport hub is in a different electorate to the one they reside in. One example includes Otahuhu Train Station, which is in the current Mangere electorate (Otahuhu is currently split between Maungakiekie and Manukau East).

Counter-submission (3): submissions that reference the new Manukau East electorate's shape is impractical
Objection and Reason: The claim that the new Manukau East electorate is impractical because of its shape is irrelevant. Many electorates come in various shapes and sizes as they are based on population numbers i.e. proposed North Shore electorate (approx. 12-14km) from Mairangi Bay down to Devonport. This new electorate also has a basin in the middle like the proposed Manukau East electorate. Proportionate electorates is the utmost important factor - not the shape of the new electorate.

Suggested solution

Solution: Keep the boundary line as the Mt Wellington Railway line, which acts as a natural boundary.
N20-615 Mr Shiu Narayan Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr Shiu Narayan


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Shiu Narayan

Labour's suggested boundary splits Mt Wellington. Their map cuts along Penrose Road and neighbouring streets, which would be split in half between two different electorates (Penrose Road, Panorama Road, Barrack Road, Mt Wellington Highway). The better solution is keeping the rail line as the natural boundary as per the Commission’s draft. I've lived in Mt Wellington for over 12 years and have never identified with Manukau East. We have always been part of the Mt Wellington community and Maungakiekie electorate. It's absurd that Labour wants to divide our community the way they have suggested. I'm part of the Mt Wellington Residents Association and other Mt Wellington social/sporting clubs and dividing our suburb would cause great difficulty in how our clubs/groups interact with the wider community.

Suggested solution

Keep the boundary line as the Mt Wellington Railway line, which acts as a natural boundary.
N20-616 Mr Shiu Narayan Counter-Objection Boundary, name

Mr Shiu Narayan


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-032 , N20-061, N20-029, N20-062, N20-013, N20-051, N20-043, N20-048, N20-005, N20-014, N20-015, N20-016, N20-019, N20-018, N20-020, N20-021, N20-022, N20-023, N20-026, N20-024, N20-063, N20-030, N20-031, N20-001, N20-056, N20-002, N20-035, N20-038, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-004, N20-058, N20-059, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-047, N20-050, N20-052, N20-007, N20-008, N20-055, N20-057, N20-027, N20-010, N20-009
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Shiu Narayan

Change the proposed Manukau East electorate name to one that reflects the communities in the new boundary i.e. "Panmure-Otahuhu", or a name that references/relates to the Tamaki Estuary as this Estuary holds significance to the communities in the new Manukau East electorate. Renaming is a way all communities will have an identity in the new area.

Suggested solution

Rename the new Manukau East electorate.
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