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Displaying 301 - 310 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N29-005 Mr Tom Kennerley Objection Boundary

Mr Tom Kennerley


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Tom Kennerley

I do not believe the Omokoroa Peninsula (Omokoroa Beach) should be moved from Bay of Plenty into Coromandel.
There is absolutely no association between Omokoroa and the Coromandel region. Omokoroa is, and always has been, closely aligned with the city of Tauranga given its very close proximity. Omokoroa, in my opinion, should be linked with Tauranga so being part of the Bay of Plenty was bad enough. Now being taken out of the "Bay of Plenty" altogether is absurd.

Suggested solution

Leave Omokoroa in the Bay of Plenty region and find another area of the Bay of Plenty to re-allocate to another electorate.
N29-006 Mr Hamish Morris Objection Boundary

Mr Hamish Morris


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Hamish Morris

I live in the Bay of Plenty not the Coromandel! Our member represents our area well and I don not believe we should incorporated into the Coromandel who have very different needs than ours.

Suggested solution

Split the Bay of Plenty into 2 electorates. East and west.
N29-007 Mrs Wendy Galloway Objection Boundary

Mrs Wendy Galloway


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Wendy Galloway

Our Area which is 21km from the centre of Tauranga, a mixture of suburban and rural, it is proposed that this electrate Bay of Plenty be put in Coromandel for the next election. Most people regard Thames as the start of the Coromandel. That is at least 102km, meaning a journey of 1 1/2 hours. I have talked to people in Omokoroa, some have never been to Thames we are now hearing Omokoroa is a suburb of Tauranga. When we first here from Auckland early this century we were in Coromandel electorate, but it was decided that we should be included in Bay of Plenty. The sea in front of Omokoroa is the Bay of Plenty not Firth of Thames

Suggested solution

N30-001 Mayor Garry Webber, Western Bay of Plenty District Council Objection Name

Mayor Garry Webber, Western Bay of Plenty District Council


Bay of Plenty
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mayor Garry Webber, Western Bay of Plenty District Council

By using "Bay of Plenty" as the name for this electorate is a gross misnomer as there are many electorates that make up the Bay of Plenty Province.

Suggested solution

The name I propose for the new electorate that surrounds Tauranga City is "Tauranga Moana" as that is the name that is commonly used for it. Furthermore that is also the Te Reo name for the area.
Additionally by having Tauranga City and Tauranga Moana as the names of the two adjoining electorates everyone will recognise them.
N33-001 Dan Williams Objection Boundary

Dan Williams


East Coast
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Dan Williams

When setting electoral boundaries. Why don’t you start with the large geographical areas This may stop the ridiculous boundary we have (in the Gisborne area) between the east coast electorate and the Napier Electorate.
I know of someone inland from TeKaraka who had to pass the east coast electorate in Te Karaka to find a Napier electorate booth.
N34-001 Allan Chesswas and Neil Walker Objection Boundary

Allan Chesswas and Neil Walker


Taranaki-King Country
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Allan Chesswas and Neil Walker

Please consider our objection to the proposed electoral boundaries below. I have also attached an objection I made at the previous boundary review, which goes into some detail about options for alternative boundaries. I do hope though that in 2019/2020 the entire Stratford district will be able to be pulled together into the Whanganui electorate, which is an easy option for delineating the new boundary.
We would like to make an objection to the proposed electoral boundaries, noting that the boundaries which changed at the last election split rural Stratford from urban Stratford, whereas the whole community is interdependent together in the Stratford District under one territorial authority, and the Stratford township serves as the urban service centre for the wider community. This split makes it very difficult for political institutions to function effectively, without having the same member representing the community in the house. The closest Taranaki King Country electorate office is in Inglewood, 20 minutes north of Stratford, and we have to drive through Stratford to get there. Meanwhile the MP for Whanganui has an electorate office in Stratford.
I note that the populations for each electorate are similar (Taranaki-King Country 63,450, and Whanganui 64,175), but the Taranaki-King Country electorate is projected to grow by 3,125 to 67,300 by 2023, whereas the Whanganui electorate is only projected to grow by 25 to 64,200. This means that the Whanganui Electorate is way below tolerance in 2023 at -9%, which is outside the rules set by Parliament and leaves the electorate population much lower than it should be.
The population of Stratford District that aren’t currently included in the Whanganui electorate would be around 1000 – 1500 based on ward statistics I have seen from past censuses. Shifting this population to join its urban Stratford counterpart in the Whanganui electorate would mean that populations for each electorate would be much more similar and much closer to quota in 2023, and would mean that whole Stratford community would have better integrity at both this election and the next.
If including the entire Stratford rural ward population is considered too many people, there are other alternatives to include smaller portions of the district, which were outlined in an objection submitted by Allan Chesswas in the 2014 review. This earlier objection is attatched for your information.
N34-002 Mr Peter Ferris Objection Boundary

Mr Peter Ferris


Taranaki-King Country
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Peter Ferris

Firstly, it is inappropriate and irrelevant to be represented by some stranger (I have never met the person) in a different part of the country. That's not Democracy, it is autocratic convenience and it is not acceptable to me
Secondly, how does this person keep informed of my local issues and be available to me in person should the need arise. They naturally are locationally advantaging those who are in a reasonable proximity to their seat. I feel we are just orphan add ons to make up the numbers. Surely it is better to have much closer representation to where I live. That I feel is my democratic right.
N34-003 Mrs Vivienne Ferris Objection Boundary

Mrs Vivienne Ferris


Taranaki-King Country
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Vivienne Ferris

I live on the outskirts of Hamilton. It is ridiculous to have my MP based in New Plymouth. I wish to be counted in Hamilton or Waikato. My address is RD9 HAMILTON. Nowhere near New Plymouth. I do not want to vote if my vote is counted in New Plymouth.

Suggested solution

The Hamilton or Waikato boundaries should include those of us who live in those areas.
N34-601 Jenny Sargent Counter-Objection Boundary

Jenny Sargent


Taranaki-King Country

Relates to objections

N34-002, N34-003
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Jenny Sargent

I live at Waingaro Rd, Ngaruawahia 3720 (15mins drive from Hamilton) & this puts me under Taranaki-King Country electorate (special vote as I’m too far away to a voting booth for this area)! When across the Rd from me, my neighbours are under the Waikato electorate. Are we serious? This is just crazy & not to mention very disappointing as I only have the choices for Taranaki-King Country candidates! Who are they?.......we never know because we never see or hear from anyone in that area & do they represent me, my area? No they don’t. I live in the Waikato, pay rates to Waikato Regional Council & only Waikato area candidates visit the area & send out election material via mail. I believe I’m late in submitting my request however Waingaro Rd needs to be reviewed, the boundary needs to be changed & Waingaro Rd should be under Waikato. It will be extremely disappointing if this area is not reviewed & changed.....what will be the point in taking any interest in politics if I’m not able to vote for people in my area who actually represent me.
N39-001 Mr Bevin Thirkell Objection Boundary

Mr Bevin Thirkell


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Bevin Thirkell

We live in palmerston north, however the boundary of the Palmerston North / Rangitikei Electorate runs down the middle of James line putting our half of the street in an electorate that is irrelevant to us.

Suggested solution

Move the palmerston north electorate to include all of James Line & Lorenzo Place
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