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Displaying 231 - 240 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N23-006 Mrs Melissa Anderson Objection Boundary

Mrs Melissa Anderson


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Melissa Anderson

I live in Ararimu with my family and we are currently part of the Hunua electorate. With the proposed boundary change, Ararimu and Bombay would become part of the Papakura electorate. I believe Ararimu and Bombay should remain in the same electorate which contains Pukekohe as recreationally and for shopping and services we currently use Pukekohe the majority of the time and very rarely Papakura. We identify more closely with the more rural aspect of Pukekohe and its surrounding areas and barely at all with Papakura. Most of the families we associate with in Ararimu and Bombay would be the same.

Suggested solution

Keep Ararimu and Bombay in the electorate which contains Pukekohe. I believe it makes sense for Hunua to move into the Papakura electorate, but not Ararimu or Bombay.
N23-007 Mrs Nikki Morris Objection Boundary

Mrs Nikki Morris


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Nikki Morris

I feel that moving Clevedon into the Papakura electorate is not going to be a fair reflection of unique rural nature of our community. With the current Hunua electorate most of the area covered by this electorate is rural or small settlements these area's have similar populations and priorities. By lumping Clevedon in with the Papakura electorate which is urban the wishes and voices of our smaller community will be overwhelmed by thise with a more urban outlook and i fear for the unique nature of Clevedon.

Suggested solution

Keep electoral boundaries as they are for Hunua electorate of if changes must be made make the boundaries work in such a way that small populations such as Clevedon, Hunua, Kaiua etc are grouped together so that their voices are able to be heard.
N23-008 Mr Terence Small Objection Boundary

Mr Terence Small


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Terence Small

It is my understanding that electrates are planned as much as possible with a like with like. i.e. small towns grouped together so an electrate as much as possible has a common theme. This seems logical and fair.
By lumping a small village like location such as Clevedon into Papakura which is a large residential area the vast majority of voters will be from a city type enviroment with the residents of a village like Clevedon overwhelmed.
THere are many small village type locations similar to Clevedon in our area which would be much more suited to being grouped together to give a much more democratic electrate. Hunua, Maraetai, Whitford, Beachlands, Alfristan, Brookby to name a few which I believe, to be democratic, should all form part of the same electrate.
To lump Clevedon in with Papakura will virtually disenfranchise the voters of Clevedon

Suggested solution

Move the proposed boundary so most if not all small villgaes fall within the same electrate possible the Hunua electrate or whatever that area is noe to be called
N23-009 Rohan McGowan Objection Boundary

Rohan McGowan


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Rohan McGowan

The revision of the Papakura electorate, and the foundation of the new Flat Bush electorate appears the split low income elements from a fairly cohesive & contiguous community and dilutes them out by including them with far more affluent voters in both the proposed electorates. This would appear to reduce the representation of an already underrepresented cohort, as it is well established that low income individuals have lower incidence of voting, and as such splitting this group is likely to cause further harm by reducing their voice in parliament.

Suggested solution

Ensure that the borders of any new electorate do not unfairly bisect a voting cohort, regardless of socioeconomic status, ethnicity or other social factor.
N23-010 Rhiannon Myers Objection Boundary

Rhiannon Myers


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Rhiannon Myers

That as a community we are not inline or even remotely similar to Papakura. We are rural communities that have very different needs to the more residential areas. Our communities have also built good relationships with our local MPs and it would be a shame to lose these connections and be lumped in with communities we don't relate too.
N23-011 Mr Richard and Uinise Smythe Objection Boundary

Mr Richard and Uinise Smythe


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Richard and Uinise Smythe

With the increased number of people in Papakura, it makes a lot of sense to offer another electorate such as the proposed Flat Bush. We live in Conifer Grove and would be happy to vote in this new electorate.
Also, with family and friends in Clevedon, Whitford, Maraetai and Orere Point, they have mentioned how delighted they'd be to return to Papakura as they had been in the past.
Uinise and I approve unreservedly the proposed changes listed in the first draft from your website.

Suggested solution

Accept the proposed changes please as they are.
N23-012 Ms Elaine Fleet Objection Boundary

Ms Elaine Fleet


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Ms Elaine Fleet

Beachlands and the other areas it encompasses do not want to be in Papakura. We voted Andrew in and want to keep him. It is a National area and Papakura is not. It looks like you are simply doing it to rake in votes. It really isn’t good enough.

Suggested solution

Put Flat Bush and Beachlands, Clevedon, Hunua together and make it Andrew Bayly’s constituency as this area will only get bigger and you will be doing it again soon.
N23-013 Christopher Verissimo Objection Boundary

Christopher Verissimo


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Christopher Verissimo

Having developed in Papakura for the last 40 years and seeing the growth occurring in the area e.g. Drury etc I believe the Representation Commissions report is the correct approach for the new growth while keeping the communities interest. I therefore support the proposed boundary adjustments.
N23-014 Mr Kevin Welch Objection Boundary

Mr Kevin Welch


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Kevin Welch

Maraetai is a rural part of Hunua - not suburban Papakura - the wants and needs of Papakura are very different to Hunua

Suggested solution

Keep Mareatai in Hunua - Population growth in Beachlands will offset the change - Papakura can have Beachlands as they are all weird there
N23-015 Mrs Megan Wallace Objection Boundary

Mrs Megan Wallace


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Megan Wallace

Papakura Electorate growth means that this proposed boundary change is sensible. The rural areas of Maraetai, Beachlands, Clevedon, Whitford and Orere Point used to be part of the original Clevedon Electorate and it makes more sense for them to be affiliated with Papakura.
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