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Displaying 201 - 210 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N20-627 Mr Russell Grainger Counter-Objection Boundary, name

Mr Russell Grainger


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-032 , N20-061, N20-029, N20-062, N20-013, N20-051, N20-043, N20-048, N20-005, N20-014, N20-015, N20-016, N20-019, N20-018, N20-020, N20-021, N20-022, N20-023, N20-026, N20-024, N20-063, N20-030, N20-031, N20-001, N20-056, N20-002, N20-035, N20-038, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-004, N20-058, N20-059, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-047, N20-050, N20-052, N20-007, N20-008, N20-055, N20-057, N20-027, N20-010, N20-009
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Russell Grainger

The argument that Panmure doesn't identify with South Auckland suburbs or has no history or common interest with Manukau East is resolved by changing the proposed Manukau East electorate. The new name should reflect all communities and be one that all new and old residents identify with. "Otahuhu" or "Panmure-Otara" come to mind.

Suggested solution

Rename the Manukau East electorate
N20-628 Mr Russell Grainger Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr Russell Grainger


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-002, N20-003, N20-008, N20-009, N20-020, N20-026, N20-029, N20-030, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-042, N20-043, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-050, N20-055, N20-058
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Russell Grainger

Panmure and Point England used to previously be in Tamaki, which would show that while Panmure and Pt England/Glen Innes have a community of interest, this has not always been so for its connection to the Mt Wellington suburb. Maungarei has never not been in the Maungakiekie electorate, except when it was in the old Panmure seat.

Suggested solution

Keep the boundary line as per the Commission's Report which is the Mt Wellington Railway Line.
N20-629 Mr Russell Grainger Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr Russell Grainger


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-008, N20-024
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Russell Grainger

The idea that Panmure has been subjected to too many changes and therefore should be left alone now is weak. Panmure was last part of a boundary change following the 2006 census- 14 years ago. Regardless, if population changes, boundaries need to change.
N20-630 Dr Lee Mathias Counter-Objection Boundary

Dr Lee Mathias


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Dr Lee Mathias

The new Maungakiekie boundary takes into effect changing population sizes in many suburbs based on the figures from the most recent census. If Tamaki Regeneration Company (TRC) activities are going to cause an increase in population as expected and as mentioned in the submissions of the Panmure Community Action Group, Ms Jennifer Andrews, Mr Keith Sharp and others, then it has to be removed from the proposed Maungakiekie electorate in order to assure proportionality with neighbouring electorates.

Suggested solution

Cleary, the Maungakiekie electorate can not accommodate all of the new populations currently planned and it is most logical that the new populations on the very eastern boundary of the current electorate, within the TRC zone, are re-assigned.
This re-assigned will have no impact on the new communities created by the TRC which are discrete and within the Glen Innes, Pt England and Panmure suburbs.
I am the inaugural Chairman/ Director of the TRC.
N20-631 Dr Lee Mathias Counter-Objection Boundary

Dr Lee Mathias


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-007, N20-012, N20-025, N20-037, N20-044
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Dr Lee Mathias

DHB boundaries are unrelated to general electorate boundaries and are established under different legislation. DHB boundaries are not changing as a result of this boundary review, therefore Jennifer Andrews, Dr Oliver Mudford, Sandra Gordon and others submission point regarding DHBs is irrelevant.
I am a former CMDHB Chairman and ADHB DepChairman.
N20-632 Miss Jennifer Copeland Counter-Objection Boundary

Miss Jennifer Copeland


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Miss Jennifer Copeland

This objection is in support of N20-032.

I object to the boundaries being changed as I have lived at this address for 15 years and when I first moved there we came under Tamaki Electorate, then it was changed to Maungakiekie and now yet another change. I dont understand the reasoning and I am very happy under Maungakiekie

Suggested solution

Do not change the boundaries
N20-633 Tony Woodcock Counter-Objection Boundary

Tony Woodcock


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Tony Woodcock

Labour's map separates Mt Wellington more so than the Commission's recommendation, which is extremely odd as they say "a better solution is not to split Mount Wellington". They are contradicting themselves. All of Mt Wellington should remain in the Maungakiekie electorate and the suburb should be kept as a whole. Not awkwardly split like the submission suggests. This has been historical practice and should remain that way. The better solution is separating the proposed Maungakiekie and Manukau East electorates along the Mt Wellington Rail Line as originally proposed.

Suggested solution

Keep the boundary line as the Mt Wellington Railway line, which acts as a natural boundary.
N20-634 Tony Woodcock Counter-Objection Boundary, name

Tony Woodcock


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-032 , N20-061, N20-029, N20-062, N20-013, N20-051, N20-043, N20-048, N20-005, N20-014, N20-015, N20-016, N20-019, N20-018, N20-020, N20-021, N20-022, N20-023, N20-026, N20-024, N20-063, N20-030, N20-031, N20-001, N20-056, N20-002, N20-035, N20-038, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-004, N20-058, N20-059, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-047, N20-050, N20-052, N20-007, N20-008, N20-055, N20-057, N20-027, N20-010, N20-009
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Tony Woodcock

Change the proposed Manukau East electorate name to one that reflects the communities in the new boundary and one that constituents identify with i.e. "Otahuhu" or "Panmure-Otara".

Suggested solution

Rename the new Manukau East electorate
N20-635 Tony Woodcock Counter-Objection Boundary

Tony Woodcock


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-002, N20-005, N20-007, N20-009, N20-014, N20-020, N20-026, N20-028, N20-030, N20-034, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-043, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-051, N20-055, N20-059, N20-062
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Tony Woodcock

The point made in these submissions that Panmure will not be adequately represented and its issues second to "South Auckland" cannot be assumed or made. This will be determined on the new elected MP for the seat to which Panmure residents will be able to have a say on.
N20-636 Mr Taylor Watson Counter-Objection Name

Mr Taylor Watson


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-001, N20-002, N20-004, N20-005, N20-007, N20-008, N20-009, N20-010, N20-013, N20-014, N20-015, N20-016, N20-018, N20-019, N20-020, N20-022, N20-023, N20-024, N20-026, N20-027, N20-029, N20-030, N20-031, N20-040, N20-041, N20-043, N20-045, N20-047, N20-048, N20-049, N20-050, N20-051, N20-052, N20-055, N20-056, N20-057, N20-058, N20-059, N20-061, N20-062, N20-063
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Taylor Watson

The argument that Panmure has no history or common interest with Manukau East is resolved by changing the proposed Manukau East electorate name to a name that reflects the communities in the new boundary such as "Panmure-Otahuhu". Otahuhu is the middle joining suburb between the original Manukau East communities. Mt Wellington Railway Line also forms a natural boundary.

Suggested solution

Rename the new Manukau East electorate to something befitting the cultural heritage and significant of the area.
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