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Displaying 141 - 150 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N20-031 Mark Sims Objection Boundary

Mark Sims


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mark Sims

Changing Tamaki Panmure region to east manukau does not reflect similar communities or histories, the changing area of Mt Wellington and Panmure, Tamaki is not aligned to manukau

Suggested solution

Retain boundaries of Tamaki makarau as they are
N20-032 James Hita Objection Boundary

James Hita


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

James Hita

Glen Innes and Panmure have zero connection to Manukau. This is Maungakiekie and has always been. This is OUR maunga. You can't take this away.

Suggested solution

Leave Maungakiekie as Maungakiekie.
N20-033 Tonia Still Objection Boundary

Tonia Still


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Tonia Still

Mount Wellington next to the Tamaki Estuary has always been part of Auckland City Council and rates reflect that. To change the boundary Negatively impacts on residents who currently benefit from Auckland Hospital care which is superior to that offered by Middlemore let alone being more accessible. The new boundaries do not make sense from any logical point of view
N20-034 Mark Mitchell Objection Boundary

Mark Mitchell


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mark Mitchell

I object to the proposed boundary change that moves the Panmure area from Maungakiekie to Manukau East.
By drawing electoral boundaries in a narrow elongated North/South manner the Panmure area (and the Point England area) are effectively excluded and divided off from the essential services associated with the Panmure community and as such it will lose a voice in the running closely associated with its community. For example, the Panmure Train station and transport hub will no longer be within the electorate.
In addition, by including the Panmure area within a larger, established electorate such as Manukau East it is likely that Panmure will be sidelined by the issues in the larger Manukau area.

Suggested solution

Redraw the northern boundary of the Manukau east electorate to be south of State Highway 10 (the South Eastern Highway). This is natural boundary due to the high level of industrial use and this area and the houses to the south of this line naturally link with southern areas. Whereas houses to the north of this line naturally link with the Panmure and Mt Wellington area.
N20-035 Natasha Macpherson Objection Boundary

Natasha Macpherson


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Natasha Macpherson

Panmure has no connection to become part of the Manukau East zone. This is unfair and undemocratic.

Suggested solution

There should be a referendum if we want to change to that it is fair and democratic.
N20-036 E J Smith Objection Boundary

E J Smith


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

E J Smith

The proposed boundary between Maungakiekie and Manukau East splits the suburb of Panmure, particularly in the area likely to be redeveloped with housing and business around the Panmure rail station, so that the existing residential area will be in a different electorate than the new housing.
I don't believe the community of Panmure believes itself to be part of Manukau - I think the boundary should be the Tamaki river, a natural boundary, not the railway line which is artificial.

Suggested solution

See above - move the boundary back to the Tamaki River
N20-037 Dr Oliver Mudford Objection Boundary

Dr Oliver Mudford


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Dr Oliver Mudford

Panmure, along with Glen Innes, and Point England are to be removed from Maungakiekie electorate and put into Manukau East. I object.
These three suburbs were always part of Auckland, which Maungakiekie is, but Manukau East was not. We (Panmure) and others are on the eastern boundary of M'kie as it runs through the middle of Tamaki estuary/river. It seems silly to eliminate a natural boundary, like a river. We are not South Auckland.
We have access to Greenlane Clinical Cenre and Auckland City Hospital that those of us who have had to use hospital services will be very sorry to lose. However people less than a kilometre from me and still in Panmure will be able to continue with hospital services that they are familiar with AND access by frequent public transport (buses) running from Panmure to Auckland, but not Middlemore.

Suggested solution

Leave Maungakiekie boundary in the middle of Tamaki river/estuary.
N20-038 Mr Michael Savonije Objection Boundary

Mr Michael Savonije


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Michael Savonije

The proposed boundary changes removes Panmure, Tamaki and Pt England from their historical community/suburbs, and from their Maunga - Maungarei.
While these suburbs are currently part of the Maungakiekie electorate to move them into the Manukau East electorate means crossing the natural physical boundary of the Tamaki river. Also these suburbs are not generally associated with the Manukau area or the Manukau Harbour.

Suggested solution

I propose that Panmure, Pt England and Tamaki area is moved into the Tamaki Electorate, which derives its name from the suburb, Tamaki and the Tamaki River. This would also honour the Ngati Paoa iwi heritage of this area.
N20-039 Claire Ashley Objection Boundary

Claire Ashley


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Claire Ashley

1. Panmure has no history or community of interest with the Manukau East electorate.
2. Bad for democracy. Voters in Panmure and Glen Innes will feel disconnected and alienated from the larger Manukau East electoral area and will probably see all future election campaigns centred on South Auckland issues debated by South Auckland-based politicians. This is likely to undermine and discourage participation in democracy in our areas.
3. The boundary change appears entirely arbitrary and follows no logical historic or administrative pattern. Historically, Panmure has always sat within the former Auckland City Council and Mount Wellington Borough Council adminstrative areas. From 1848, Panmure became central to the political administration of this area through such bodies as the Panmure/Mount Wellington Highway Districts, the Borough of Mount Wellington and even the short-lived Tamaki City Council. This proposed change ignores all of that history.
4. The change would separate Panmure politically not only from its own railway station but also a significant part of its community in the Mountain Road area, along with businesses to the west of the railway line and Jellicoe Road.
5. All surrounding electorates - Tamaki, Epsom, Maungakiekie, Mangere, Manurewa, Botany and Pakuranga - are allowed to maintain their identity and sense of cohesion under the changes, but Panmure, along with Glen Innes, Point England, and parts of Mount Wellington and Otahuhu, will be forced to lose theirs.
6. The Tamaki Regeneration process foresees a significant population increase in Panmure, Glen Innes and Point England coming decades. This is likely to force a reversal of this proposal by the Electoral Commission in years to come.
7. Panmure is Auckland City and not Manukau and should not be in an electorate named Manukau East.
8. I do not want Panmure to ever come under Counties Manukau DHB / Middlemore.
Panmure being Auckland City is Auckland DHB therefore Auckland Hospital and must stay this way.
9. There has been next to zero publicity for this change for the residents of Panmure. Nothing in the local paper. No flyer drop, no addressed mail. The local elected Councillors have remained silent on it and despite being asked to hold a public meeting, failed to do so. A majority of Panmure residents would be unaware of this planned change. It is being done with minimal publicity with a close off right before Christmas to ensure there is limited opposition.

Suggested solution

Leave Panmure intact and in Maungakiekie Electorate.
N20-040 Mr Phillip Gibson Objection Boundary

Mr Phillip Gibson


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Phillip Gibson

I object to the proposal to break the Panmure Community from Mt Wellington. At present both are in Tamaki Maungakiekie.
My reasons are:
1. Other surrounding electorates e.g. Tamaki, Epsom, Maungakiekie, Mangere, Manurewa, Botany and Pakuranga,- retain their identity and sense of cohesion under the changes, but Panmure, along with Glen Innes, Point England, parts of Mount Wellington and Otahuhu, will lose theirs.
2. The boundary change appears entirely arbitrary and follows no logical administrative pattern.
Panmure now sits within the Central Auckland Council and historically has always sat within that electoral boundary. From 1848, Panmure became central to the political administration of the local area through different highway districts. This proposed change ignores all of this area’s history.
3.Voters in Panmure and Glen Innes will definitely feel disconnected from the larger Manukau East electoral area and possibly view future election campaigns will be centred on South Auckland issues.
4. The change would separate Panmure politically not only from its own railway station but also a significant part of its community in the Mountain Road area, along with businesses to the west of the railway line and Jellicoe Road.
5. The Tamaki Regeneration process foresees a significant population increase in Panmure, Glen Innes and Point England in coming decades. This is likely to force a reversal of this proposal by the Electoral Commission in years to come, which would then make this an unnecessary change to make at this point of time.
6. Our community has gone through an amazing amount of upheavel/change in the last couple of years and is unfair to disconnect and push us away from our Mountain/River (Maungakiekie/Tamaki).
Most of our Maori familys have moved or been removed out of this area, due to the high prices of the new housing subdivision or not securing social housing, and will eventually fill with other ethnicities that would fall under General Roles?
7.Panmure has a long history and no connection to the Manukau East electorate.
we will become a forgotten community in the Manukau Electorate.

Suggested solution

1. If there is to be an amalgamation of districts,
Leave the proposed sectioning of Panmure and Glen Innes as it is, under the Central Auckland City Council banner, and/or align it with the Mt Wellington area - which is a closer district - and quite removed from others currently aligned with Manukau,
Mt Roskill is closer to Manukau/Mangere than either Panmure and Glen Innes.
2. A new electorate encompassing Glen Innes, Panmure, Mount Wellington and Ellerslie as far south as Westfield/Panama Road - with the western boundary at the main trunk line/southern motorway/Great South Road?
It would be roughly equal in size to either Tamaki or Epsom, and would follow entirely natural boundaries.
3. “Leave as is” due to the massive development within this area, with housing more people, we can become a new electorate? called “Maungarei”
As mentioned in Reason *6, We foresees a significant population increase in Mt Wellington, Panmure, Glen Innes and Point England in coming decades. Increased people numbers as properties are going up, not out.
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