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Displaying 131 - 140 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N20-021 Raelene Farrell (and S Swasbrook, G Ogilvie and N Calladine) Objection Boundary

Raelene Farrell (and S Swasbrook, G Ogilvie and N Calladine)


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Raelene Farrell (and S Swasbrook, G Ogilvie and N Calladine)

I object to moving Panmure, Point England and parts of Glen Innes into the Manukau East electorate, because:
- Panmure, Point England, Glen Innes and Wai o Taiki are communities with longstanding strong links - and this boundary change proposal smashes the community apart. This contradicts the statement made on page 3 of your Boundary Review document, which states: The splitting of small communities has been avoided where possible and the Commission has endeavoured to place communities in the same electorate as the adjoining area with which they have the most interaction.
- Panmure, Point England, Glen Innes and Wai o Taiki are communities with common interests, common social structure, common issues.
- Panmure and Point England are Auckland Central suburbs, not South Auckland suburbs.
- Panmure and Point England are water-based suburbs with nothing in common with the more land-locked suburbs of Otahuhu, Otara and Papatoetoe.
- Panmure and Point England have a strong multi-cultural community, but there is far less diversity in the South Auckland surburbs of Otara and Papatoetoe.
In summary, you are proposing to split suburbs of commonalities, to align them with suburbs with which they have no connection. As per page 2 of your Boundary Review, this is not giving due consideration to communities of interest, as is required by the Commission.

Suggested solution

Review the proposed boundaries changes and look to better align boundary changes with communities with more commonalities.
N20-022 Lindsay Hull Objection Boundary

Lindsay Hull


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Lindsay Hull

I object to moving the communities of Panmure, Point England and parts of Glen Innes into the Manukau East electorate, because these communities have nothing in common with Manukau East.

Suggested solution

If the number of people now living in Panmure, Point England and parts of Glen Innes is now too large for one electorate then divide this into two in the existing area. Do not move these communities into the Manukau East electorate.
N20-023 J Harvey Objection Boundary

J Harvey


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

J Harvey

I write as a long time resident of Panmure in EAST Auckland.
At no time has been associated with Manukau until it was recognised that due to the inept Manukau city council under the previous mayors {Brown included] the unrestrained developments of the area had caused the problem of trapping their residents in Howick & Pakuranga.Since that time Panmure has been used as an escape route causing all sorts of problems.
As one of the original settlements of Auckland Panmure has a wealth of history behind it & it beggars belief that we should have anything in common with Otara etc.
Panmure will be split in two with no access to the station & with a significant part of the community.
Has no one recognised that ther is to be a considerable increas in the population in this area so it must be expected another change very soon.
How is it that all the surrounding ares have no changes? Suspicious is it not?
We also know of the numerous problems at Middlemore hospital & the difficulties in the transport to same.
This whole idea of abandoning Panmure to benefitting others is not acceptable.
N20-024 Miss Jennifer Copeland Objection Boundary

Miss Jennifer Copeland


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Miss Jennifer Copeland

I object to moving Panmure, Pt England and parts of Glen Innes into the Manukau East electorate, because:
- Panmure, Pt England, Glen Innes and Wai O Taiki are communities longstanding strong links - and this boundary change proposal smashes the community apart. This contradicts the statement made on page 3 of you Boundary Review document, which states: "The splitting of small communities has been avoided where possible and the Commission has endeavoured to place communities in the same electorate as the adjoining area with which they have the most interaction.
- Panmure, Pt England Glen Innes and Wai o Taiki are communities with common interests, common social structure, common issues.
- Panmure and Pt England are water-based suburbs with nothing in common with the more land-locked suburbs or Otahuhu, Otara and Papatoetoe.
- Panmure and Pt England have a strong multi-cultural community, but there is far less diversity in the South Auckland suburbs of Otara and Papatoetoe.
In summary, you are proposing to split suburbs of commonalities, to align them with suburbs with which they have no connection. As per page 2 of your Boundary Review, this is not giving due consideration to communities, as is required by the Commission.
In the 14 years I have lived in Panmure we have already been moved from Tamaki to Maungakiekie and now you are looking at yet another change.

Suggested solution

Review the proposed boundary changes and look to better align boundary changes with communities with more commonalities.
N20-025 Mrs Sandra Gordon Objection Boundary

Mrs Sandra Gordon


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Sandra Gordon

The change will mean a change to an already overloaded Middlemore Hospital. Why change at all.

Suggested solution

No change
N20-026 Mr Peter Kelly (and Mrs Margaret Kelly) Objection Boundary

Mr Peter Kelly (and Mrs Margaret Kelly)


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Peter Kelly (and Mrs Margaret Kelly)

See attached paper

Suggested solution

See attached paper
N20-027 Panmure Historical Society Objection Boundary

Panmure Historical Society


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Panmure Historical Society

If the Boundary Change that has been outlined happens it will rip Panmure apart. As Panmure is just celebrated its 170 years and is a Heritage Precinct, these boundary changes will upset the balance of Panmure.
Historically we have held these boundaries for 170 years, and feel that Panmure will lose it's historical background .
The changes would see much of Panmure, Glen Inness and Point England as well as Mount Wellington carved of the Maungakiekie electorate and being added to Manukau East with Papatoetoe and Otara. We are opposed to these changes.

Suggested solution

As an alternative can we suggest that it go back to Pakuranga like it use to be. It could be called Maungarei.
N20-028 Laura Chirnside Objection Boundary

Laura Chirnside


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Laura Chirnside

I object to Point England and Panmure being included in the Manukau East area.
This area is currently part of the Tamaki redevelopment area along with Glen Innes. The community and organisation is working hard to rebuild and develop a sense of community and cohesion. The proposed boundaries splits the area in half into two very different socio- economic boundaries. I worry that the needs of the new community will fall between the cracks of two voting areas.
N20-029 Gemma Gasson Objection Boundary

Gemma Gasson


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Gemma Gasson

My address where I have chosen to invest in Auckland with my husband and young family was selected due to its proximity and connection to Mt Wellington and surrounds where we work, live and spend money. We have absolutely no connection to the proposed boundary connections to Glen Innes and Otara and this causes me significant distress and concern to be re classified in this electorate. We worked extremely hard to buy in this suburb with its current alignment and it is disturbing to think we have invested as a young family in a proposed complete different area with different needs. Why on earth would you cut off an electorate currently connected within the AMETI project to Panmure train station. How can the needs of Panmure including this new transport hub be split in half.

Suggested solution

Leave Panmure with boundary to the Panmure bridge in the Maungakiekie electorate where it already has strong connections both cultural and in term of current community focus.
N20-030 Mrs Susan Sims Objection Boundary

Mrs Susan Sims


Manukau East
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Susan Sims

1. Panmure has no history or community of interest with the Manukau East electorate.
2. Bad for democracy. Voters in Panmure and Glen Innes will feel disconnected and alienated from the larger Manukau East electoral area and will probably see all future election campaigns centred on South Auckland issues debated by South Auckland-based politicians. This is likely to undermine and discourage participation in democracy in our areas.
3. The boundary change appears entirely arbitrary and follows no logical historic or administrative pattern. Historically, Panmure has always sat within the former Auckland City Council and Mount Wellington Borough Council adminstrative areas. From 1848, Panmure became central to the political administration of this area through such bodies as the Panmure/Mount Wellington Highway Districts, the Borough of Mount Wellington and even the short-lived Tamaki City Council. This proposed change ignores all of that history.
4. The change would separate Panmure politically not only from its own railway station but also a significant part of its community in the Mountain Road area, along with businesses to the west of the railway line and Jellicoe Road.
5. All surrounding electorates - Tamaki, Epsom, Maungakiekie, Mangere, Manurewa, Botany and Pakuranga - are allowed to maintain their identity and sense of cohesion under the changes, but Panmure, along with Glen Innes, Point England, and parts of Mount Wellington and Otahuhu, will be forced to lose theirs.
6. The Tamaki Regeneration process foresees a significant population increase in Panmure, Glen Innes and Point England coming decades. This is likely to force a reversal of this proposal by the Electoral Commission in years to come.

Suggested solution

Wish to remain Maungakiekie.
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