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Displaying 71 - 80 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N04-047 Mr Tim Holdgate Objection Name

Mr Tim Holdgate


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Tim Holdgate

Keep the name as Rodney

Suggested solution

Rodney instead of Helensville
N04-048 Mr Carl Weaver Objection Name

Mr Carl Weaver


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Carl Weaver

The name Helensville is not representative of the electorate - it is the name of 1 town within the electorate. It would be much better to retain the Rodney name as this is known by most to represent the geographical area.

Suggested solution

Keep the Rodney name for this electorate
N04-049 Mrs Sacha Burns Objection Name

Mrs Sacha Burns


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mrs Sacha Burns

We should remain as Rodney. Why change our electorate to Helensville - it is a tiny little town that is an hours drive away from our house. Also, what a waste of tax payers money

Suggested solution

Leave it as Rodney
N04-050 Dr Diana Chambers Objection Name

Dr Diana Chambers


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Dr Diana Chambers

Object to name HELENSVILLE. No name recognition as rep of whole area - small town, off beaten track - NOT part of main road connection - or massive planned enlargement of properties in WARKWORTH area

Suggested solution

N04-051 Jonathan Killick Objection Name

Jonathan Killick


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Jonathan Killick

I object to the amalgamated Rodney and Helensville electoral zones being named 'Helensville'. I understand the need for the change, and I see sense in aligning the electoral boundaries with the local board district boundaries. However, you will note that the district is called the Rodney district, and there is no reason why the new amalgamated electoral zone shouldn't also be named Rodney. Warkworth alone has more of a population than Helensville, without even factoring the likes of northern towns such as Wellsford, so it is nonsensical to wrap it up into Helensville. I wouldn't suggest calling the new zone 'Warkworth' any more than I would suggest calling it 'Helensville' because either name would alienate one half of the zone. Rodney is already a name that unifies the whole area. We all want to encourage voter participation and I don't think alienating the northern areas by calling the zone 'Helensville' is going to help in that.

Suggested solution

Name the new amalgamated electoral zone 'Rodney' instead of 'Helensville'.
N04-052 Brian Henman Objection Name

Brian Henman


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Brian Henman

why call rodney helensville..helensville is a piddly arsed town on the west coast. rodney is mainly east coast with much larger communities and getting bigger. i live in algies bay, i dont want to be called living in the helensville district..jesus get a grip you people..just leave it as rodney..stop making change for changes sake..
N04-053 Jane Harris (and Paul Harris) Objection Name

Jane Harris (and Paul Harris)


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Jane Harris (and Paul Harris)

I object to Rodney being named Helensville. Helensville the name given to a town, as is Warkworth. Rodney is an area.
N04-054 Lyn Wade, QSM Objection Name

Lyn Wade, QSM


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Lyn Wade, QSM

I would wish to see the name of Rodney retained as the more appropriate name for the redesigned electorate
1. To retain the historical connections.
2. Prevent confusion by the use of the name of a town for a district.
3. To ensure that the people of North Rodney do not become more disenfranchised.
My ancestors settled in the Warkworth area during the 1850's. It has always been an area with a strong feeling of community and history. Rodney County was formed in 1877, my great grandfather, Nathaniel Wilson being one of the councillors for Warkworth and elected as the inaugural chairman. Rodney is a historical area with a name linked to Cape Rodney at Leigh named by Capt.Cook in 1769.
Most of the ridings included in that historical Rodney are to be included in the new Helensville electorate. Helensville is the name of a small town on the west coast and it will be extremely confusing to call the Rodney area Helensville. It also is another kick in the gut for Rodney residents who have lost their identity to the Supercity, who will now lose their identity as a district as well.
In 2010 major changes occurred with the inclusion of Rodney in the new Auckland supercity against the recommendations of the Royal Commission and with no discussion with the residents of the Rodney area. Not very democratic. It was also decreed that our slowly growing town of Warkworth would become a small city of 20,000 plus with the plan to see the build of 7,500 new homes by 2040. This for a small rural town that had a population in the region of 3,000 residents at that time.
N04-055 Sue Smith Objection Name

Sue Smith


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Sue Smith

Historically this area has always been known as Rodney.

Suggested solution

The new 'Helensville' electorate remains as 'Rodney' and Whangaparoa and North Harbour called 'North Harbour' or Whangaparoa.
N04-056 Mr and Mrs Peter and Jan Thompson Objection Name

Mr and Mrs Peter and Jan Thompson


This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr and Mrs Peter and Jan Thompson

The name Helensville is not appropriate for this electorate. The most suitable name is Rodney which historically covers this area & is not specific to any one town.

Suggested solution

Rodney as a name for the new Helensville electorate
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