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Displaying 281 - 290 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N25-002 Andrew Kay Objection Name

Andrew Kay


Port Waikato
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Andrew Kay

The name change should be more reflective of the area... Port Waikato is too narrow and does not represent the people.

Suggested solution

The name should be FRANKLIN, as this covers the entire area of the electorate... Rather than Waikato covers only the Waikato area
N25-003 Mr Hendricus J Habraken Objection Name

Mr Hendricus J Habraken


Port Waikato
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Hendricus J Habraken

Port Waikato is the name of a very small settlement and is not near the bulk of the population of this proposed electorate and means that people do not relate to this name.

Suggested solution

Should be called Franklin - a recognizable area and name.
N25-004 Heather Maloney Objection Name

Heather Maloney


Port Waikato
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Heather Maloney

I believe the name of the prposed lectorate should be changed.
This name is of a small beach village and does not reflect the community of the proposed electorate which follows the boundaries of the former Franklin District Council particularly in the west and south.
The people of the proposed electorate would predominately shop in the three main Franklin towns of Waiuku, Pukekohe and Tuakau and have a strong connection with the name Franklin.
The twice weekly free community paper, Franklin County News, covers almost all of this proposed electorate.

Suggested solution

Change the name to Franklin
N25-005 Mr Brian Cox Objection Name

Mr Brian Cox


Port Waikato
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Brian Cox

During the last 4 elections in this electorate, I have constantly fielded complaints/criticism of the names "Hunua"and "Port Waikato". These rural towns are small, remote places with minimal significance to the rest of the electorate. My uninformed explanation of "probably chosen on a geographical basis, somewhere near the middle" cuts no ice with constituents.
"Why cant we be called Franklin?" they ask....Recent developments support this view.
Firstly, the proposed new boundary changes revert back, even more closely, to the old Franklin County region, especially the re-instated northern Waikato areas.
Secondly, the pending sale of extensive land/buildings in Pukekohe, formerly owned by by the Franklin Council, has revived public sentiment about Franklin. Headlines in a recent Franklin County News (28/11/2019) highlight this feeling. Voters in this electorate (35+ yrs old) still strongly identify with the name/region of Franklin.

Suggested solution

I am absolutely convinced that a name change from "Port Waikato" to "Franklin" is appropriate and likely to be widely acclaimed and applauded
N25-006 Mr Raj Dawson Objection Name

Mr Raj Dawson


Port Waikato
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mr Raj Dawson

I object to the name 'Port Waikato"
The reason being it does reflect the electorate. The vast majority of the electorate live in Pukekohe and Waiuku.

Suggested solution

Rename the electorate as either:
* FRANKLIN - which was once upon a time .. OR
* COUNTIES - name which reflects the sporting teams and local identity.OR
* FRANKLIN-COUNTIES - a combination of the two..
N25-007 Sheryn Hull Objection Name

Sheryn Hull


Port Waikato
This objection does not relate to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Sheryn Hull

I do not feel Port Waikato is a truly reflective name for the new electorate. It's a tiny village on the verge of being washed into the ocean.

Suggested solution

Call it Franklin. It's practically the same area as the old Franklin council before it was stolen by the Auckland supercity. Most people that live in this area probably think of themselves as living in Franklin still.
N25-008 Mr Jeffrey Knight Objection Boundary

Mr Jeffrey Knight


Port Waikato
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Jeffrey Knight

Currently the existing Electoral boundary coincides with the Territory Authority boundary (Auckland Council / Waikato District Council) boundary which runs through the middle of my property located at 91 Hull Road, Waiuku. It is difficult to know exactly where the boundary is, what I do know is that it is located very close to my dwelling. In fact it is very difficult to know if the boundary places my dwelling in one electorate or the other.
It would be far more logical if the electorate boundary was positioned along the existing fence line (a previous survey boundary) so that there is something physical on the ground to represent the boundary and places the electorate boundary further away from my dwelling.
I have been communicating for some time with Mr Donald Riezebos (CEO Local Government Commission) regarding relocating the TA boundary which also runs very close if not through part of my dwelling. This will be to this same fence line so that will coincide with the Electorate Boundary proposed through my property.
My Last correspondence from Mr Riezebos was 12 July 2019 which discussed amongst other matters that part of relocating the TA boundary requires consideration to the electoral boundaries. I have attached a copy of that correspondence for you.

Suggested solution

This is the perfect opportunity to have the electoral boundaries changed to match the proposed TA boundary change and place the boundary on the existing fence line (which was a previous survey boundary line). This will assist in the process of matters as outlined in the correspondence from Mr Riezebos.
I request the Commission to approve the relocation of the electoral boundary to run along the existing fence line of my property at 91 Hull Road as shown on the attached plans.
The change in the electoral boundary affects only myself as I am the only person owning and residing on the property at 91 Hull Road.
N25-009 John Duncan Objection Boundary

John Duncan


Port Waikato
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

John Duncan

Your website asks if people want to file objections. What if a person actually wants to welcome/endorse a proposal?
The proposal to create (or re-create) the Port Waikato seat is in my opinion a brilliant move. The people to the west of the Franklin Ward, and the area to the south of it heading down to Port Waikato, have a hugely greater 'community of interest" than the elements of the old Hunua seat did, Apart from both being in the Franklin Ward of Auckland Council, the residents of Beachlands have zero in common with the citizens of Pukekohe, and I believe the decision to move away from approximating the Auckland Council boundary as the electorate boundary is extremely sensible. Pukekohe was for decades the 'market town' of the proposed new electorate. Perhaps the only desirable tweak I might suggest would have been to include the rural elements of Karaka (stopping short of including the new developments adjacent to the motorway, labelled Karaka Lakes and similar, which properly belong with Papakura) which also used Pukekohe as their market town. I would have drawn the boundary at Charles Rd, rather than Kingseat Rd (which I acknowledge is the existing boundary), but I appreciate that the balancing of numbers had to mean some little infelicities.
Dare one hope that the proposal is an indication, finally, that the Electoral Commission recognises that the inclusion of Franklin District to Auckland Council was misguided?
N25-010 Kerry Williams Objection Boundary

Kerry Williams


Port Waikato
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Kerry Williams

It is undemocratic to change electoral boundaries post local body elections. The public of New Zealand have voted for representatives in the current electoral boundaries, to change those boundaries after the elections means areas and people may end up with new representatives that they had no say in voting for.

Suggested solution

Hold the changes until the next elections.
N26-001 Karapiro Riverside Estate Homeowners Association Objection Boundary

Karapiro Riverside Estate Homeowners Association


This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Karapiro Riverside Estate Homeowners Association

The Electorate Boundary at Hydro Road veers off (SH 1) Tirau Road, to include Riverside Lane, alone, in the Waikato Electorate. The rest of Karapiro Village is in the Taupo Electorate.
Riverside Lane is a no exit road with only 20 houses.
Riverside Lane is in the Karapiro Village, Cambridge for Local Body Elections. i.e. Waipa District Council.
The Member of Parliament for Taupo Electorate has her Electorate Office in Cambridge. As the boundary stands at present for General Elections our Member of Parliament for Waikato lives and works on the far side of Hamilton and has nothing to do with Cambridge.
The Waikato MP does not even advertise himself in the Cambridge area!
Geographically, Riverside Lane is in the Cambridge area and not involved with Waikato.
Riverside Lane is in the Waipa District Council area for electricity, water and postal.
Riverside Lane is designated residential, not rural for town planning.
The KREHA Body Corporate believed it was in the Taupo Electorate until I pointed out the anomaly to them.

Suggested solution

Suggested Primary Solution:
We wish the boundary to be changed so that Riverside Lane is in the same electorate as the rest of Karapiro Village, Cambridge; that is: Taupo Electorate.
We feel that the boundary should follow the (SH 1) Tirau Road at this point if the Commission’s proposed boundary change is accepted.
(see attached maps. The green line is our primary suggestion.)
We approve of the proposed boundary change which follows the Waikato Expressway.
Suggested Secondary Solution:
If, however, the Commission’s proposed boundary change following the Waikato Expressway is not accepted, we believe the boundary should follow the Waikato Stream to meet the existing boundary.
(See attached maps. The green line is our secondary suggestion.)
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