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Displaying 191 - 200 of 438
Number Name Submission Change type View
N20-617 Mr Kit Parkinson Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr Kit Parkinson


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Kit Parkinson

Labour's map separates Mt Wellington and worse, it's according to random mesh-blocks rather than communities of interest. Their map cuts along Penrose Road and creates an awkward boundary in and out of side streets off Penrose Road. Several streets, including Penrose Road, Panorama, Mt Wellington Highway and Barrack Road are split and will be in two different electorates. I own three properties in Mt Wellington, but under Labour's proposal they will be in different electorates, even though they are the same suburb. This is absurd. The better solution is separating the proposed Maungakiekie and Manukau East electorates along the Mt Wellington rail line as originally proposed.

Suggested solution

Keep the boundary line as the Mt Wellington Railway line, which acts as a natural boundary.
N20-618 Kit Parkinson Counter-Objection Boundary

Kit Parkinson


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-032 , N20-061, N20-029, N20-062, N20-013, N20-051, N20-048, N20-005, N20-014, N20-015, N20-016, N20-019, N20-018, N20-020, N20-021, N20-022, N20-023, N20-026, N20-024, N20-063, N20-030, N20-031, N20-001, N20-056, N20-002, N20-035, N20-040, N20-041, N20-004, N20-058, N20-059, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-047, N20-050, N20-052, N20-007, N20-008, N20-055, N20-057, N20-027, N20-010, N20-009
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Kit Parkinson

The argument that Panmure has no history or common interest with Manukau East is resolved changing the proposed Manukau East electorate name to a name that reflects the communities in the new boundary. These could be: "Otahuhu" which is the middle joining suburb between the original Manukau East communities and the proposed new ones; or "Panmure-Otara"

Suggested solution

rename the new Manukau East electorate
N20-619 Kit Parkinson Counter-Objection Boundary

Kit Parkinson


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-051, N20-054, N20-058
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Kit Parkinson

Submissions regarding home values decreasing is irrelevant and nonsensical as home values are not based on electorates in which the house resides in, but an array of factors including location near schools, job opportunities, neighbouring prices, home size and usable space, age and condition. Electorates are not mentioned anywhere on the listings/property descriptions on Trademe Property, One Roof or QV.
N20-620 Kit Parkinson Counter-Objection Boundary

Kit Parkinson


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-006, N20-039, N20-055
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Kit Parkinson

We are currently going through the consultation process now, which is the point of the submissions and counter-submissions process. This process is the standard process that has been adopted for all previous boundary changes.
N20-621 Kit Parkinson Counter-Objection Boundary

Kit Parkinson


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-006, N20-007, N20-009, N20-033, N20-036, N20-037, N20-038, N20-047
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Kit Parkinson

Due to population growth, there needs to be some cutting of suburbs along the eastern side, therefore the Mt Wellington Railway Line is a better natural boundary than the Tamaki Estuary. The Tamaki Estuary does extend all the way down to Otahuhu and I note parts of Manukau East currently includes the Estuary
N20-622 Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele Counter-Objection Boundary, name

Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele

Labour's map horribly splits Mt Wellington. Their map cuts along Penrose Road and creates an awkward boundary in and out of side streets. Several streets, including Penrose Road, Panorama, Mt Wellington Highway and Barrack Road are split and will be in two different electorates. The better solution is separating the proposed Maungakiekie and Manukau East electorates along the Mt Wellington rail line. Labour's proposal also splits Mt Wellington from its maunga. As a Mt Wellington resident for over 40 years, I have not been in an electorate where my community is separated from our maunga. Mt Wellington has always historically been in Maungakiekie, unlike Panmure and Point England.

Suggested solution

Keep the boundary line as the Mt Wellington Railway line, which acts as a natural boundary.
N20-623 Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesaetele Counter-Objection Boundary, name

Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesaetele


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-032 , N20-061, N20-029, N20-062, N20-013, N20-051, N20-043, N20-048, N20-005, N20-014, N20-015, N20-016, N20-019, N20-018, N20-020, N20-021, N20-022, N20-023, N20-026, N20-024, N20-063, N20-030, N20-031, N20-001, N20-056, N20-002, N20-035, N20-038, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-004, N20-058, N20-059, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-047, N20-050, N20-052, N20-007, N20-008, N20-055, N20-057, N20-027, N20-010, N20-009
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesaetele

The argument that Panmure has no history or common interest with Manukau East is resolved changing the proposed Manukau East electorate name to a name that reflects the communities in the new boundary. These could be: "Otahuhu" which is the middle joining suburb between the original Manukau East communities and the proposed new ones; or Panmure-Otara. Mt Wellington Railway Line also forms a natural boundary.

Suggested solution

Rename the new Manukau East electorate
N20-624 Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele Counter-Objection Boundary

Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-047, N20-051
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele

Maungakiekie is named after the maunga “One Tree Hill”, not “Maungarei” (Mt Wellington). Maungarei is in Mt Wellington and Mt Wellington is in the Commission’s proposed Maungakiekie electorate. Island Child submission: Maybury Street is in Tamaki electorate. Agree shouldn’t be called Manukau East, it should be called something else.
N20-625 Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele Counter-Objection Boundary, name

Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele


Manukau East

Relates to objections

N20-002, N20-003, N20-008, N20-009, N20-020, N20-026, N20-029, N20-030, N20-039, N20-040, N20-041, N20-042, N20-043, N20-045, N20-046, N20-049, N20-050, N20-055, N20-058
This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection relates to a name change

Mrs Violetta Petersen-Lesatele

Panmure and Mt Wellington have previously been in different electorates, for example in prior to the 2006 boundary review, Panmure was in Tamaki
and Mt Wellington was in Maungakiekie.
Maungarei has never not been in the Maungakiekie electorate, except when it was in the old Panmure electorate when Maungakiekie didn’t exist.
Therefore, it would be extremely out of order to move Maungarei out of Maungakiekie.
As a Mt Wellington resident for over 40+ years and like many other Mt Wellington residents this would create a disconnect and a loss of identify for our community. Mt Wellington is a thriving community and it has enormous potential. Our identity, history and future is connected to our maunga of which Maungakiekie is very much part of.

Suggested solution

Keep the boundary line as per the Commission's Report which is the Mt Wellington Railway Line.
N20-626 Mr Russell Grainger Counter-Objection Boundary

Mr Russell Grainger


Manukau East

Relates to objections

This objection relates to a boundary change
This objection does not relate to a name change

Mr Russell Grainger

This submission's map greatly divides Mt Wellington. According to the submitter, half of Mt Wellington should be in Manukau East while half should be in Maungakiekie. Some residents will be seperated from their maunga. The suggested map cuts along Penrose Road and creates a nonsensical boundary. There will be several streets where residents on the same street will be in different electorates. Tight communities of interest will be separated. The better solution is to keep the Mt Wellington Rail Line as the natural boundary between the proposed Maungakiekie and Manukau East electorates.

Suggested solution

Keep the boundary line as the Mt Wellington Railway line, which acts as a natural boundary.
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