Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero


Decision on donation

Apr 28, 2021

The Electoral Commission has given a warning to the National Party over its failure to declare a donation over $30,000 within 10 working days.


Two referrals to Police

Apr 9, 2021

The Electoral Commission has made two referrals to the Police, one on party donations and the other on candidate donations and election expenses.


Party expenses for the 2020 General Election

Mar 30, 2021

Details of how much political parties spent on advertising for the 2020 General Election have been published on the Electoral Commission website.


Candidate and third party returns released

Feb 23, 2021

Candidate and third party returns for the 2020 General Election and referendums have been published on the Electoral Commission website.


Dual vote referrals to the Police for 2020 General Election

Feb 23, 2021

The Electoral Commission has referred 48 individuals who appear to have voted more than once at the 2020 General Election to the Police.


Referrals to the Police

Dec 16, 2020

The Electoral Commission has referred eight matters relating to the General Election and referendums to the Police.


Referral to the Police

Dec 2, 2020

The Electoral Commission has referred an individual to the Police for providing a false statement in an application to enrol as an elector.

Media release

Jump in youth voting

Nov 30, 2020

There was a big increase in the number of young people turning out to vote at the 2020 General Election.


Electorate recounts complete

Nov 20, 2020

Recounts in Te Tai Hauāuru and Tāmaki Makaurau have been completed and the winning candidates have been confirmed.

Media enquiries

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