The steps in the application process

Following are the main steps in the process to apply to the Election Access Fund



1. When the Fund is open to applications, you can apply online, or you can email the Election Access Fund team at or phone us on 0800 36 76 56 to say you want to apply.  If you are going to apply online it is important you read through all the information about the Election Access Fund and how to apply online as you will need to supply some documents as part of your application. 

2. If you prefer, will send you an application form and ask if you would like to meet with us to help you put your application together.  

3. At the meeting we will go through your application form with you and fill in as much as we can. If needed, you may be asked to provide more information and to meet with us again.   

4. If you want to fill in the form yourself, send it to us and we will check that it is complete.

Getting a decision: 

5. Your application will be considered by the Applications Panel. The panel has community members on it with lived experience of disability and election experience. Their job is to advise us whether they think your application meets the criteria and is fair and reasonable.

6. To protect your privacy your personal details will be removed before your application goes to the panel.

7. We will make the decision to approve or decline your application, based on the panel’s advice.

8. We will inform you as soon as possible of the outcome.  

Getting agreement: 

9. If your application is accepted, we will prepare a written agreement between you and the Electoral Commission. This will state the amount to be paid and what it is to be used for. It will include reporting dates and if your funding is to be paid in full or by instalments. 

10. This will need to be signed by you and the Electoral Commission. 

Payment and reporting:

11. We pay you the agreed amount. 

12. You organise the goods or services you need and pay for them. 

As you do this you keep a record and collect proof of your spending (for example, receipts, tickets). 

14. We will send you a simple report template for you to complete and return with your proof of spending, by the due dates in your agreement.

 Once your selection or campaign activities are finished, or you are no longer a candidate, you will need to pay back any funding that has not been used.    

Changes to the rules 

This is the first time this Fund has been set up or used in New Zealand. The rules about funding and what it can be used for are subject to change. Any changes will be shared with applicants and interested parties. 


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