Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero

Media release

Ngā Otinga o te Kōwhiringa Pōti Māori 2018

Aug 13, 2018

Kua kati te Kōwhiringa Pōti Māori 2018, neke atu i te 23,300 ngā Māori i kōwhiri ki te huri rārangi, ki te rēhita rānei ki te pōti.


Change to Conservative Party name and logo

Aug 8, 2018

There’s been a change to the name and logo of the Conservative Party.

Media release

Electoral Commission wins Business Transformation award

Jul 26, 2018

The Electoral Commission’s approach to improving voting services at the general election has been recognised with a Deloitte IPANZ award.


Referral to Police

Jul 19, 2018

The Electoral Commission has made a referral to the Police over the failure of the party secretary of the New…

Media release

Te wā whakamutunga ki te huri rārangi pōti i te Kōwhiringa Pōti Māori

Jul 19, 2018

Kei te pau haere te wā ki ngā kaipōti Māori ki te kōwhiri ko tēhea te rārangi pōti e hiahia…

Media release

Last chance to make roll choice in Māori Option

Jul 19, 2018

Time is running out for Māori voters to choose which electoral roll they want to be on – the Māori roll or the general roll.

Media release

Northcote by-election official results

Jun 20, 2018

The Electoral Commission has released the official results for the 9 June parliamentary by-election in the Northcote electorate.


Cancellation of party registration

Jun 12, 2018

The Electoral Commission has cancelled the registration of the Internet Party and its logo under Part 4 of the Electoral Act 1993.

Media release

Northcote by-election preliminary results

Jun 9, 2018

The Electoral Commission has released the preliminary results for the 9 June 2018 parliamentary by-election in the Northcote electorate.

Media enquiries

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