New List MP for The Green Party
The Chief Electoral Officer has declared Russel Norman from Wellington elected to Parliament from The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand list.
Electoral Commission decision 2008-06, Green Party, billboard non-compliant promoter statements
Subject: Billboard displayed on the corner of Old Hutt Road and Ngaio Gorge Road, Wellington, promoting the Green Party
Electoral Commission decision 2008-07, National Party, pamphlet
Decision Number: 2008-07 Subject: National Party flyer entitled "Join the conversation", referring to National Party policies and encouraging recipients to contact John Key, was allegedly handed to a member of the public from a National Party stall.
Electoral Commission decision 2008-08, Green Party, three posters displayed in Morningside, Auckland
Decision Number: 2008-08 Subject: Three posters displayed on a fence in Morningside, Auckland, promoting the Green Party.
Almost one in ten people still to enrol for preliminary Electoral roll
One in ten New Zealanders only has until Friday (20 June) to get enrolled in time to go on the preliminary electoral roll.
Almost 50,000 kiwis removed from Electoral roll
Almost 50,000 people have been removed from the electoral roll in the past month – the same as a complete electorate of voters losing the right to vote or about the same as the winning margin of party votes recorded at the 2005 election.
Kua tangohia i te rārangi ingoa kaipōti he kotahi i roto i te tokorima o ngā māori kua oti te whakauru
Tata ki te 50,000 ngā tāngata kua tangohia i te rārangi ingoa kaipōti i te marama kua hipa atu nei – otirā, kotahi i roto i te tokorima he Māori nō Aotearoa.