Almost one in ten people still to enrol for preliminary Electoral roll
One in ten New Zealanders only has until Friday (20 June) to get enrolled in time to go on the preliminary electoral roll.
“Just under 300,000 people are still not enrolled to vote,” says Murray Wicks, National Manager, Electoral Enrolment Centre.
“We close the electoral roll on Friday so we can print a preliminary ‘check it’ electoral roll. This is a key step in the electoral process. The printed roll allows people to check their details and is part of the open accessible electoral system in New Zealand.
“The tens of thousands still not enrolled have their last chance this week to make it onto the preliminary electoral roll,” says Mr Wicks.
“Everyone enrolled by this Friday will be ready to vote whenever the election is held. “
Once the rolls are printed people can check them at a Registrar of Electors office, local PostShop or library to see whether they’re on the roll and whether their details are correct.”
The printed rolls will be available from Monday, 7 July 2008.
“The Electoral Enrolment Centre is urging eligible electors to get enrolled smartly to ensure they receive an EasyVote pack closer to Election Day and can have their say whenever the election is held,” says Mr Wicks.
Enrolling is easy. Enrolment forms are available by freetexting your name and address to 3676, going online to, at any PostShop or by calling 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56). People can also check and update their details online at the website.
Once the election is called, the final electoral rolls will close for printing approximately one month before Election Day.