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Voter enrolment passes the 95% mark

Sept 21, 2005 | Media release

The Electoral Enrolment Centre has announced a record 95.22 percent of eligible voters enrolled for the 2005 General Election.

"Final figures show that 2.847 million people enrolled to vote at this year's election," says Murray Wicks, National Manager of the Electoral Enrolment Centre.

"An extra 177,366 people were on the electoral roll for the 2005 General Election, compared to the 2002 election."

In 2002, 2.67 million people, or 94.17 percent, were enrolled to vote in the 2002 General Election

The 2005 enrolment figures show:

  • almost 49,000 people enrolled once the electoral rolls closed on August 17, writ day.
  • approximately 43,500 people enrolled with an overseas mailing address.

"The enrolment numbers and overall percentage of people enrolled for the 2005 General Election are particularly positive," says Mr Wicks. "More people have got the message to enrol and to keep their enrolment details up to date.

"While election day is over, we want to make sure people continue to enrol and keep their details up-to-date. When you change address, turn 18 or if you didn't enrol in time for this election, then fill in an enrolment form," says Mr Wicks.

Change of address and enrolment forms are available from PostShops, by phoning 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56), by Freetexting your name and address to 3676, or from the elections website


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