Examples of disability-related costs

The Election Access Fund Te Tomokanga — Pūtea Whakatapoko Pōtitanga can cover the extra disability-related costs you may have that people without a disability doing the same activities do not have. This may include one or many items in the following list, or it might be something else that is not listed. If you are unsure, please ask us or include it in your application. 

Equipment and technology: 

  • adaptive equipment, such as Braille readers, aids for processing sound 
  • special computer software, such as speech to text, spell checking 
  • voice recorders 
  • modified seating, for example, where standing for long periods is challenging 
  • equipment for venues with limited accessibility such as portable ramps, mobile hoists. 


  • New Zealand Sign Language interpreter 
  • translation of key material into an alternate format, for example when a community group sends a list of questions for candidates to answer. This does not include material from your political party (see the following “What costs are not funded”).  

Personal assistance:    

  • A person or people to help with:
    • personal care related to your disability that is needed to undertake campaign activities  
    • getting around (for example, a driver) 
    • reading or writing or both 
    • note taking 
    • understanding written material or explaining what is being said at meetings 
  • travel, accommodation and expenses for a personal assistant to accompany you. 

Travel, accommodation and venues: 

  • accessible taxis to events or meetings 
  • extra costs of accessible accommodation  
  • provisions for service animals 
  • site assessments to check venue accessibility.


  • extra costs to get back on track when things go wrong, such as fixing or replacing equipment that fails, paying for a replacement assistant or sign language interpreter if someone is sick. 

A note on funding

Everyone’s costs will be different depending on their disability-related needs, the type of activities they will be doing and where they are standing for election. 

To ensure we can meet the requirements of the Fund we will fund actual and reasonable costs. These costs are reviewed by a panel who will help us determine if what you have asked for fits the criteria. We will assist you with the application process and give you guidance on what is reasonable for common items like accommodation, travel and food allowances for traveling assistants.

What costs are not funded?

The Fund will not cover general costs that non-disabled people standing for election have, such as: 

  • nomination deposits 
  • designing and publishing advertising 
  • having professional photos taken 
  • printing leaflets 
  • hiring venues 
  • postage costs 
  • survey costs 
  • paid skills training such as media training, planning, budgeting 
  • hiring an accountant, campaign manager or other professional services 
  • loss of regular income while campaigning 
  • personal living costs, including healthcare or therapy  
  • standard travel and accommodation (if there are extra costs directly relating to your disability these can be covered).  

The Fund does not cover political party costs that parties should be expected to cover, such as: 

  • producing information that can be read by screen readers 
  • disability or inclusiveness training for staff and members  
  • providing accessible campaign material for electors 
  • providing accessible venues for conferences and events. Where it is not possible to get an accessible venue, for example, if none are available in a remote rural area, extra costs like portable ramps can be covered

The Fund will not cover other party activities that are not about selection and your candidacy. This includes special campaigns, volunteering, petitions and general party fundraising and social events that do not have a candidacy focus. 

The intention of the Fund is not to pay for disability-related costs that are already covered by another agency such as the Ministry of Social Development (Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora) or ACC (Te Kaporeihana Āwhina Hunga Whara).  

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