Complaints about our services
We’re committed to resolving any complaints you have about our service delivery.
The best way to make a complaint is to complete our online form.
You can also:
- Call us: 0800 36 76 56
- Write to us: or PO Box 190, Wellington 6140
Complaints about election advertising
We’re responsible for making sure everyone follows the rules about promoter statements, authorisation of advertising and electoral finance. We don’t regulate the content of election advertising – but depending on the medium this may come under the jurisdiction of another organisation.
Election advertising – advice and complaints
Complaints about local council elections
Local councils are responsible for running their own elections. If you have a complaint about the local council elections in your area, you may contact your council.
Council profiles (
What happens with your complaint?
- We will acknowledge your complaint within one business day of receiving your complaint.
- We will aim to resolve your complaint within 10 business days. If we need more time to resolve your complaint, we will explain why and keep you informed of progress.
- We will send you a complaint outcome usually by email or letter.
If you are not satisfied with your complaint outcome
If you’re not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you may contact the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman usually expects you to have first tried to resolve the issue with us using our complaints processes.