MMP seat allocation calculator

Enter your virtual elections results

Party vote expressed as:
Party name Party votes won Electorate seats won
ACT New Zealand
Animal Justice Party Aotearoa New Zealand
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Democratic Alliance
Freedoms New Zealand
New Conservatives
New Nation Party
New Zealand First Party
New Zealand Labour Party
New Zealand Loyal
NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party
Te Pāti Māori
The Greens, The Green Party of Aotearoa/New Zealand
The New Zealand National Party
The Opportunities Party (TOP)
Vision New Zealand
Women's Rights Party
Current totals: 0.00% 0/

Your virtual election results

Party name Party votes
% of
party vote
% of
party vote
Party seat
No. of
seats won
No. of
list MPs
OH % of MPs


  • Due to rounding the total may not add up to 100%.
  • The percentage of party votes won that is displayed is truncated to two decimal places. Please hover over the percentage to see the value to 5 decimal places of precision.
  • The following parties did not cross the threshold:

    Seat calculator - Quotient table

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