Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero

Media release

Voters report high level of satisfaction with service at 2005 general election

Jan 16, 2006

Post-election surveys of voter experience of the 2005 general election show a high level of satisfaction with the service received.

Media release

2006 Māori Electoral Option - Tenders open for Kanohi Ki Te Kanohi campaign

Dec 9, 2005

Tenders are now being called for the kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) information and enrolment campaign to support the 2006 Māori Electoral Option.

Media release

Suspected election broadcasting offences referred to police

Dec 6, 2005

The Electoral Commission has referred three suspected offences under election broadcasting law to the New Zealand Police for investigation, with a fourth apparent breach currently being researched.

Media release

Briefing to the Incoming Minister 2005

Nov 18, 2005

The Electoral Commission's briefing to the incoming minister discusses areas of concern and external factors covering: a problematic structure of electoral administration, the importance of independence in electoral administration, tightness of timing for any law changes, declining electoral participation, and an inadequate research base.

Media release

New list MP for Green Party

Nov 14, 2005

The Chief Electoral Officer has today declared NANDOR STEVEN TANCZOS to be elected to Parliament from the Green Party list.

Media release

Student journalists recognised with Wallace Awards

Nov 14, 2005

A portfolio of four issues of Te Waha Nui, a newspaper produced by Auckland University of Technology students has been recognised with a Wallace Award in a competition for student journalists' published politics or election reportage.


Annual Report 2005

Nov 2, 2005

The Annual Report of the Electoral Commission, Te Kaitiaki Take Kōwhiri, for the year ended 20 June 2005 was tabled in Parliament on Tuesday, 8 November 2005.

Media release

No recounts sought on general election results - statement by Chief Electoral Officer

Oct 6, 2005

"There have been no applications for judicial recounts of the election results," the Chief Electoral Officer, David Henry, said today.

Media release

New Zealand general election 2005 - official results

Oct 1, 2005

Statement by the Chief Electoral Officer, Ministry of Justice<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Summary The number of seats in Parliament will be 121, not the 122 seats predicted on election night.

Media enquiries

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