Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero

Media release

Time running out to take part in Mana by-election

Nov 13, 2010

Time is running out to get enrolled for the Mana by-election – with less than one week left until enrolment closes.

Media release

Voting made easy in Mana by-election

Nov 11, 2010

Personalised EasyVote cards are on their way to more than 43,000 people in the Mana electorate to make voting in the Mana by-election as easy as possible.

Media release

Advance & overseas voting open for Mana by-election

Nov 3, 2010

Advance and overseas voting for the Mana by-election runs from Wednesday 3 November until Friday 19 November, the day before election day.

Media release

Voting opens in the Mana by-election tomorrow

Nov 2, 2010

The first votes in the Mana by-election can be cast tomorrow (Wednesday 3 November 2010) as advance and overseas voting gets underway.

Media release

Eight candidates stand in Mana by-election

Oct 27, 2010

The Electoral Commission has released the details of who is standing and where people can vote in the 20 November Mana by-election.

Media release

Governor General issues the writ for the Mana by-election

Oct 20, 2010

The Governor-General, Rt Hon Sir Anand Satyanand, has issued the writ to the Electoral Commission giving the formal direction and authority for a by-election to be held in the Mana electorate on Saturday 20 November.


Law change planned allowing online re-enrolment and update of details

Oct 18, 2010

A law change is planned that will allow people to re-enrol or update their enrolment details online, without the need for a signed enrolment form.

Media release

Young people and those who’ve moved house targeted in Mana by-election

Oct 5, 2010

People who have moved into or within the Mana electorate and those who aren’t enrolled need to enrol now for the Saturday 20 November by-election.

Media release

Electoral Commission ready to make voting easy in the Mana electorate

Oct 4, 2010

The Electoral Commission is taking steps to make voting as easy as possible in the Mana Parliamentary by-election on Saturday 20 November, 2010.

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