Voting starts soon in the 2023 General Election
Voting in the 2023 General Election will be underway soon, with overseas voting starting tomorrow Wednesday 27 September and voting places opening in New Zealand next Monday 2 October.
Candidate and party lists released
A total of 19 registered political parties are contesting the election, with 17 parties submitting a party list.
Voting locations now available at
You can now find your closest voting place online at, with the Electoral Commission publishing information about the 2,600 places where New Zealanders can vote during the 2023 General Election.
School students head to the polls
School students from across New Zealand will get a jump on the rest of the country as schools prepare to hold their own mock elections.
Australian referendum
On 14 October 2023, Australia is holding a referendum asking whether it should change its Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
Key election milestone reached
Today is writ day, a milestone on the election calendar when the formal writ is issued for the 2023 General Election to be held.
Second variation to 2023 broadcasting allocation
The Electoral Commission has released a second variation to the broadcasting allocation for the 2023 General Election.
Change to Te Pāti Māori logo
The Electoral Commission approved an application to register a substitute party logo for Te Pāti Māori.
Change to party name and logo
The Electoral Commission has approved applications to register a new party name and logo for New Conservatives (previously New Conservative).