Emails and texts from the Electoral Commission
The Electoral Commission is sending emails and texts to some voters asking them to check and update their postal address.
New Nation Party no longer registered
The registration of the New Nation Party and its logo has been cancelled at the party’s request.
Neighbourhood turnout available
Neighbourhood turnout statistics for the 2023 General Election are now available to view online.
Boundary review to take place in 2025
A review of electorate boundaries for the 2026 General Election will get underway in February next year.
Hei te Pēpuere 2025 tīmata ai arotake rohenga o ngā rohe pōti
Hei te Pēpuere tīmata ai tētehi arotake o ngā rohenga o ngā rohe pōti mō te Pōtitanga ā-Motu 2026.
Democratic Alliance no longer registered
The registration of the Democratic Alliance and its logo has been cancelled at the party’s request.
Referral to the Police
The Electoral Commission has referred an individual to the Police for providing a false statement in an application to enrol as an elector.
Hon Justice Simon Moore KC named as new Chair
A new Chair is to be appointed to the Board of the Electoral Commission.
New list MP for the Green Party
The Electoral Commission has declared Benjamin Doyle to be elected to Parliament from the Green Party list.