Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero

Media release

Counter-objections released on proposed boundaries

Jan 29, 2020

Written submissions have now closed on the proposed electorates for the next two elections with a total of 438 received.

Media release

Key dates for 2020 election

Jan 28, 2020

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement of the election date, the Electoral Commission has confirmed the timetable for the 2020 General Election.

Media release

Time running out to have a say on proposed electorates

Jan 16, 2020

The next stage of public consultation on the electorate boundary review is closing soon and time is running out for people to have their say.

Media release

332 objections to proposed electorates

Jan 9, 2020

The Representation Commission has received 332 objections to the proposed electorate boundaries and names for the next two general elections.


Christmas office hours 2019

Dec 23, 2019

The Electoral Commission’s offices will be closed over Christmas and New Year.


TOP logo application

Dec 17, 2019

The Electoral Commission is considering an application from The Opportunities Party (TOP) to register a substitute political party logo.

Media release

Have your say on the boundary review

Dec 11, 2019

Time is running out to make an objection to the proposed electorates for the next two general elections.


Decision on TOP logo and abbreviated name

Dec 9, 2019

The Board of the Electoral Commission has declined an application by The Opportunities Party (TOP) to register a new party logo.


Registration of political parties and logos

Dec 4, 2019

Two new parties have been added to the list of registered political parties - Vision New Zealand and the Sustainable New Zealand Party.

Media enquiries

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