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Application to Vary Political Party Name

Sept 24, 2024 | News

The Electoral Commission is considering an application made under Part 4 of the Electoral Act 1993 to change the name of the following political party:

Current Party Name: The Greens, The Green Party of Aotearoa/New Zealand

New Party Name: The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand 

Applicant: Miriam Ross, Party Secretary 
Registration of a party name may be refused if the name is indecent, offensive, excessively long, likely to cause confusion or mislead electors, contains any reference to a title or honour or similar form of identification.   

Anyone who wishes to comment on the party name may do so in writing to the Electoral Commission at:

The deadline for comments is 5pm, Tuesday 8 October 2024.

For more information on the party registration and logo registration process see our guidance and rules for starting a political party, email or phone 04 495 0030, 9am–5pm Monday to Friday. 

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