2019 Party donations and loans returns
The 2019 party returns of donations and loans have been published on the Electoral Commission website elections.nz.
A summary, along with downloadable copies of the party returns for the year ending 31 December 2019, can be viewed here.
Background on the annual returns
Registered parties must file a return with the Electoral Commission by 30 April setting out donations and loans to the party for the previous year ending 31 December.
The party secretary is responsible for recording donations and loans and filing a return that is true and correct.
The return must include the name and address of any donor who has donated a total of more than $15,000 in one or more payments in the past year.
Each party is required to have their return audited and to submit the auditor’s report with the annual return. The auditor must state whether, in their opinion, the return fairly reflects donations received and loans entered into by the party secretary.
The returns are published on the Electoral Commission website for public inspection.
A list of the donations and loans parties are required to report is included in the summary.