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Time running out to enrol for Mt Albert by-election

Feb 17, 2017 | Media release

Voters in the Mt Albert electorate should have received EasyVote packs in the mail by now with all the information they need to vote in the by-election.

“EasyVote packs have gone out to the 45,000 people already enrolled to vote in the Mt Albert electorate,” says Alicia Wright, Chief Electoral Officer.  “If you didn’t get yours, you need to contact us now to make sure you’re enrolled and ready to vote before election day on 25 February.”

“The pack includes your EasyVote card,” says Ms Wright. “Having your EasyVote card with you makes it faster and easier to vote.  You can still vote without it, but it may take a little longer.”

You can check if you are enrolled, update your details, or enrol to vote at or by calling 0800 36 76 56.  You can also enrol at an advance voting place.

Four advance voting places are open in the electorate for people wanting to cast an early vote before election day on Saturday 25 February.  Overseas voting is also underway.

“Anyone enrolled in the electorate can vote in advance, they don’t need a reason,” says Ms Wright.  “If you’re a Mt Albert voter and you’re outside the electorate, you can arrange to cast a special vote by contacting the Returning Officer at  or on 09 520 1297.”

A list of voting places is available here.

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