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Application to register Conservative Party logo

Jun 14, 2014 | News

The Electoral Commission is considering an application made under Part 4 of the Electoral Act 1993 to register this substitute logo for:

Party: Conservative Party of New Zealand

Applicant: Nathaniel Heslop, Party Secretary, Conservative Party of New Zealand

Registration of a logo under Part 4 of the Electoral Act 1993 is needed for the logo to appear on a ballot paper.  Registration may be refused if the logo is indecent, offensive, misleading, confusing, refers to a title or an honour, infringes an intellectual property right or breaches any law, or an application is made incorrectly.

Anyone who wishes to comment may do so in writing to the Electoral Commission by:

post to PO Box 3220, Wellington 6140,

fax to 04 495 0031,

email to 

The deadline for comments is 5pm, Monday, 30 June 2014

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