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Donations protected from disclosure limits adjusted

Jul 1, 2013 | News

On 1 July of each year the amounts that registered political parties can receive and that persons can donate as donations protected from disclosure are adjusted to reflect inflation.

A donation protected from disclosure allows a person to make a donation of more than $1,500 to a registered political party without their identity being disclosed to either the public or to the party receiving the donation. More information on donations protected from disclosure is available here.

From 1 July 2013 the current limit that a person can donate between two successive elections will increase from $42,900 to $43,350 and the current limit that a party can receive between two successive elections will increase from $286,000 to $289,000.

The maximum amount any party can receive by protected disclosure between one election and the next is 10% of the maximum election expenses a party is allowed to incur at an election. The maximum amounts of election expenses that can be incurred by parties, candidates and third parties from 1 July 2013 are contained in the Electoral (Expenditure Limit) Order 2013.

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