Party Donation Returns 2011
Donations are reported by category of disclosure only.
Care should be taken when aggregating values included in returns to reach a party total as donations (or contributions to them) may appear in more than one place in a return.
The categories of donations are as follows:
A Every donor who has donated over $15,000 during the year
B Every contributor who has donated over $15,000 during the year
C Every anonymous donation received over $1,500
D Every overseas donation received over $1,500
E Every contribution from an overseas person over $1,500
F All payments from the Electoral Commission of donations protected from disclosure
G From 1 January 2011 there has been a new requirement for disclosure of the number and amount of other party donations that fall within the following bands:
- the number of anonymous party donations received under $1,500 and the total amount of such donations
- the number of overseas party donations received under $1,500 and the total amount of such donations
- the number of all party donations received over $1,500 but less than $5,000 and the total amount of such donations
- the number of all party donations received over $5,000 but less than $15,000 and the total amount of such donations.
Copies of returns are also available for inspection at the Electoral Commission's offices, Level 9, 17-21 Whitmore Street, Wellington, between 9am and 5pm on weekdays.