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Time running out to enrol to vote the easy way

Oct 18, 2011 | Media release

People wanting to cast an easy vote at next month’s general election and referendum on the voting system need to enrol now.

“Don’t miss out. Enrol now for an easy vote on election day,” says Murray Wicks, Electoral Enrolment Centre National Manager. “Everyone enrolled by Wednesday 26 October will get an EasyVote card and pack in the mail, which makes voting easier and faster.”

Although there are nearly 3 million people enrolled to vote, there are still 280,000 people who need to enrol. This includes 198,000 people who have been taken off the electoral roll because they’ve moved house and have not updated their enrolment details.

The deadline to enrol and be included on the printed electoral roll, which is used in polling places and when sending out EasyVote cards, is Wednesday 26 October.

Anyone enrolled after 26 October will have to cast a special declaration vote.

“You can still enrol to vote right up until the day before election day,” says Murray, “but it means you won’t get an EasyVote card and you’ll need to complete a special declaration vote.”

“A special declaration vote can take five times as long as an ordinary easy vote, and means filling in extra forms. You can also vote without your EasyVote card but it will take longer.”

Enrolling is easy. Freetext your name and address to 3676, go to, visit any PostShop or call 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56). People can also check and update their details at

More information about enrolling and voting is available from



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