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Keeping Christchurch Residents on the Roll and Able to Have Their Say

Aug 18, 2011 | Media release

With the General Election and Referendum just over three months away, now’s the perfect time for Christchurch residents to make sure they are correctly enrolled.

“Those affected by the earthquakes have many issues to contend with at the moment,” says Murray Wicks, National Manager, Electoral Enrolment Centre. “We don’t want enrolling to vote to be another hurdle, so we’re making it as easy as possible for Christchurch voters to know what to do.”

The Electoral Enrolment Centre is aware that there has been some confusion around where Christchurch residents should enrol, and has issued a detailed description of enrolment information specifically for Christchurch residents.

“We know that some people are unsure of where they should be enrolled,” says Murray Wicks.

“Our goal is to make sure that people are enrolled and ready to vote. Make sure you enrol by 26 October to get your name on the electoral roll to be used on election day and to be sent your Easy Vote pack.

As well as including your EasyVote card, it will tell you where and when to vote. This is critically important for Christchurch residents, as many polling places will not be the same as in 2008. You can still enrol up until 25 November, but as your name won’t appear on the printed roll voting will take longer on election day.”

The detailed enrolment information for Christchurch residents is:

Land Zoned Red


Still residing there; plan to find a new permanent residence

Remain enrolled for your current residence until you have settled into a new permanent residence.  You will need to re-enrol once you have lived at your new permanent residence for one month

Moved; temporarily staying somewhere until a new permanent residence is found or built

Remain enrolled at your old residence until you have found and settled into your new permanent residence. Make arrangements for collection or receipt of mail so you receive your EasyVote pack.  You will need to re-enrol once you have lived at your new permanent residence for one month

Moved; permanently to new residence

Re-enrol using the address of your new permanent residence after you have resided there for one month

Land Zoned Orange or White


Still residing there; waiting for further property investigation to be undertaken

Remain enrolled for current residence

Moved; temporarily staying somewhere until further property investigation undertaken

Remain enrolled for current residence.   Make arrangements for collection or receipt of mail so you receive your EasyVote pack

Moved; permanently to new residence

Re-enrol using the address of your new permanent residence after you have resided there for one month

Land Zoned Green


Still residing there

Remain enrolled for current residence

Moved; temporarily staying somewhere while residence is being repaired or re-built

Remain enrolled for your current residence. Make arrangements for collection or receipt of mail so you receive your EasyVote pack

Moved; permanently to new residence

Re-enrol using the address of your new permanent residence after you have resided there for one month


For further information on enrolling and voting, residents should visit or call the Christchurch Registrars of Electors on 03 379 6210.



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