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Irregularities in Auckland electoral roll identified and removed

Sept 16, 2010 | Media release

The Registrar of Electors has completed their investigation into enrolment irregularities in the electoral roll for the Papatoetoe area of Auckland and removed 306 enrolments.

The investigation began last month after the Registrar of Electors identified apparent enrolment irregularities in relation to the addresses a number of people had been enrolled at.

The Registrar of Electors has invalidated the enrolments after establishing the people did not reside at the addresses stated on the enrolment forms and has informed the Auckland Electoral Officer, who is responsible for conducting the local elections.

Any votes for the upcoming local elections received from the individual enrolments, that have been declared invalid, will be removed from the count.

The Registrar of Electors is contacting the people affected and providing assistance to request special voting papers for the local elections area where they live.

“New Zealand has a strong record of integrity in enrolment and voting,” says Murray Wicks, National Manager of the Electoral Enrolment Centre. “The accuracy of the electoral roll is something we work hard to maintain through extensive checks and monitoring.”

The Police inquiry into the irregularities is continuing.


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