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Governor General issues the writ for the Mana by-election

Oct 20, 2010 | Media release

The Governor-General, Rt Hon Sir Anand Satyanand, has issued the writ to the Electoral Commission giving the formal direction and authority for a by-election to be held in the Mana electorate on Saturday 20 November.

The writ sets out the dates for nominations, election day and return of the writ.
Nominations for candidates to contest the by-election will be called for by public notice tomorrow, Thursday 21 October 2010.
Nominations must be received no later than midday Wednesday 27 October 2010. (NB: Monday 25 October is Labour Day).
A full list of candidates for the Mana by-election is expected to be available by 4.00pm on Wednesday 27 October 2010.


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