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Application to register political party

Sept 30, 2010 | News

Application to register political party

The Electoral Commission is considering an application made under Part 4 of the Electoral Act 1993 to register the following political party:

Party:  New Citizen Party

Applicant:  Paul Young, Party Secretary

Registration of a political party is needed for the party to be eligible to contest the party vote at elections. 

Registration may be refused if the name of the party is indecent, offensive, excessively long, misleading, confusing, or refers to a title or an honour.  Registration may also be refused if the application is made incorrectly or if the party does not have 500 current financial members who are eligible to enrol as electors.

Anyone who wishes to comment on the application may do so to the Electoral Commission at:

 The deadline for comments to arrive is 5pm, Wednesday, 20 October 2010.


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