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Last Chance to Get on Preliminary Electoral Rolls

Jun 10, 2005 | Media release

A quarter of a million New Zealanders only have a week left to get on the preliminary electoral rolls prepared in the lead up to this year's General Election.

The Electoral Enrolment Centre estimates that 250,000 Kiwis still haven't enrolled for this year's election.

"We close off the preliminary electoral rolls for printing in a week's time on Friday 17 June," says Murray Wicks, National Manager of the Electoral Enrolment Centre.

"Once the rolls are printed people can check the electoral rolls at any PostShop or their local library to see whether they're on the roll and whether their details are correct.

"So far, as a result of our enrolment update campaign, 91.28% or 2.726 million eligible voters are enrolled. In the past month 28,283 new voters have been added to the electoral rolls - that compares with 20,652 for the same time in 2002," says Mr Wicks.

"We urge anyone who still isn't enrolled, or who has moved house, to fill in an enrolment form today and send it back to make sure they make it onto the preliminary electoral rolls for the 2005 election.

"The best bet is to enrol now and save any hassle close to election day," says Mr Wicks.

To enrol to vote people can get an enrolment form from 0800 36 76 56, Freetext their name and address to 3676, visit a PostShop or go online to People can check their enrolment details online as well.

The final electoral rolls will close for printing approximately one month before election day.


For more information please contact Murray Wicks, National Manager 04 8010 701 or 027 249 4508, or Anna Hughes, Communications Advisor 027 28 28 827.

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