How parties can encourage enrolment

This section provides you with key enrolment dates for election year and outlines the resources and roll information that are available to parties for the election.

Enrolment update campaign

Before every general election, we send a personalised letter to every enrolled elector at their current postal address on the roll to make sure they are correctly enrolled and ready to vote.

There will be follow up advertising telling people if they did not get an update pack they need to enrol or update their details.

Voters need to be enrolled by writ day to be sent an EasyVote card. EasyVote cards are sent out to voters at the beginning of the advance voting period.

Encouraging enrolment

Parties play an important role in encouraging electors to enrol and take part in elections. We can provide you with user-friendly resources to use as part of your canvassing activities.

We produce a range of resources in different languages that include information about enrolling and voting.

Find out more about our resources

Rolls and enrolment information

The Electoral Act provides that candidates, political parties and MPs can purchase electoral information in hard copy or electronic form for the purposes of their campaigns.

For information on the application process and prescribed fees, email or phone the Data Co-ordinator on (04) 495 0030.


Party secretaries should ensure that all their candidates check and update their enrolment details if, for example, they have changed address.

Checking and updating enrolment details is easy. Candidates can go to our website, click the “enrol, check or update” button and follow the instructions.

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