A number of rules apply to candidates standing in a parliamentary by-election. These are mainly around election advertisements (including the use of websites and social media), broadcasting, spending limits, donations and loans.
Candidate advertising for the by-election could only be broadcast on television and radio between Monday 16 October and Friday 24 November.
Other types of advertising were allowed at any time up until 24 November, but all election advertising must include a promoter statement.
There was a limit to how much a candidate can spend on election advertising published during the regulated period for the by-election. The regulated period for the Port Waikato by-election started on Tuesday 17 October and ended at midnight on 24 November.
The spending limit was $65,200 (including GST) for a candidate’s election advertising expenses published during the regulated period.
Candidate donations, and contributions to donations, of more than $1,500 (including GST) must be reported in the candidate return of expenses and donations after the by-election. Candidates were not allowed to keep donations of more than $50 from an overseas person or anonymous donations of more than $1,500.
Candidates must report all loans for their campaign, no matter how small, other than from registered banks at a commercial rate.