Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero

Media release

New Zealand general election 2005 - official results

Oct 1, 2005

Statement by the Chief Electoral Officer, Ministry of Justice<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Summary The number of seats in Parliament will be 121, not the 122 seats predicted on election night.

Media release

World watches NZ election on-line through website

Sept 23, 2005

Over 14 million hits from users in 100 countries were recorded on the Chief Electoral Office's website on election night.

Media release

Voter enrolment passes the 95% mark

Sept 21, 2005

The Electoral Enrolment Centre has announced a record 95.22 percent of eligible voters enrolled for the 2005 General Election.

Media release

Suffrage Day marked with record number of women MPs

Sept 19, 2005

New Zealand celebrates Suffrage Day today (19 September) with women making up a third of its new parliament - the highest proportion ever.

Media release

Preliminary results announced for 2005 general election

Sept 18, 2005

The preliminary results as at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> midnight for the 2005 general election have been released by the Chief Electoral Office.

Media release

Official count for general election underway

Sept 18, 2005

The Chief Electoral Office has started the official count process for the 2005 general election, and expects to announce the official results by 2pm Saturday 1 October.

Media release

No campaigning on election day

Sept 15, 2005

This is a general statement summarising the law.

Media release

Just hours left to enrol to vote

Sept 15, 2005

Time has almost run out for people to enrol to vote for this year's election - with just hours left to enrol.

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