Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero

Media release

Kua kōkiri atu te tari pōtitanga matua ki āna

Sept 12, 2008

Kua kakari tonu te Tari Pōtitanga Matua kia māmā te tutuki me te whai wāhi ki te pōti mō ngā kaipōti mō te pōtitanga whānui 2008 ā te Rāhoroi 8 o Whiringa-ā-rangi/Noema 2008.


Last call for parties, logos, and third parties to contest general election

Sept 12, 2008

Parties wanting to register to contest the party vote in the 2008 general election have until 5pm Mon, 15 Sep to get their completed registration applications and evidence of membership to the Electoral Commission in order to be sure that the necessary checking, advertising, and processing of an uncontested application to register the party can be approved before Writ Day, Wed, 8 Oct.


Election date announcement puts Chief Electoral Office in top gear

Sept 12, 2008

The Chief Electoral Office will now swing in to full gear to make voting as easy and accessible as possible for voters for the 2008 general election on Saturday 8 November 2008.


Applications to register political party logos

Sept 10, 2008

The Electoral Commission is considering applications made under Part 4 of the Electoral Act 1993 to register the following political…

Media release

Electoral Commission sets deadline for returns and detail from New Zealand First

Sept 8, 2008

The Electoral Commission met this afternoon (8 Sep '08) and considered formal correspondence from the president of New Zealand First in respect of the party's annual donation returns for 2005, 2006, and 2007.

Media release

Electoral Commission to consider NZ First correspondence about party donation returns

Sept 5, 2008

The Electoral Commission has received formal correspondence from the president of New Zealand First in respect of the party's annual donation returns for 2005, 2006, and 2007.

Media release

Electoral Commission decision 2008-28, Democrats for Social Credit, late annual donation return

Sept 4, 2008

Dated: 19 August 2008 Decision Number: 2008-28 Subject: Annual returns of party donations were required to be filed with the Electoral Commission by 30 April 2008.

Media release

Get ready and vote the easy way DVD launched

Sept 4, 2008

New information resources to make it easy for people with a disability to vote at this year’s election have been…


Applications to register political party logos

Aug 28, 2008

The Electoral Commission is considering applications made under Part 4 of the Electoral Act 1993 to register the following political…

Media enquiries

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