Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero


Referrals to the Police

Dec 14, 2011

On 9 December 2011, the Electoral Commission referred the following matters to Police: An email sent by the Maori Party to supporters.

Media release

Christchurch Central Judicial Recount Official Results

Dec 14, 2011

The judicial recount of the electorate votes for the Christchurch Central electorate has been completed and National Party candidate Nicky Wagner has been confirmed as winning the seat with a majority of 47 votes.

Media release

Process and timetable for MMP review announced

Dec 12, 2011

With a majority of voters opting to keep MMP in last month’s Referendum on the Voting System, the Electoral Commission is now preparing to carry out the review of MMP provided for in the Electoral Referendum Act 2010.

Media release

New Zealand General Election and Referendum on the Voting System 2011 – Official Results

Dec 10, 2011

The Electoral Commission has declared the official results for the 2011 General Election and Referendum on the Voting System.


Electoral Commission Referrals to the Police

Dec 5, 2011

The Electoral Commission has referred the following matters to the Police:

(1) John Creser: Distribution of election-related flyer on poll


Factually incorrect information being reported about referendum results

Nov 28, 2011

A number of media outlets have been reported as saying that referendum votes will be invalid if only Part A of the paper has been completed.

Media release

Preliminary results for the 2011 General Election and advance voting for the Referendum on the Voting System

Nov 27, 2011

The Electoral Commission has released the preliminary results for the 2011 General Election, and the advance votes for the Referendum…

Media release

Electoral Commission reminds New Zealand to vote tomorrow

Nov 25, 2011

Tomorrow New Zealanders will go to the polls in the General Election and Referendum on New Zealand’s Voting System.


Media activity on election day

Nov 23, 2011

The Electoral Commission advises that no campaigning of any kind is allowed on election day.

Media enquiries

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