Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero

Media release

Last chance to choose between Māori and General roll

Jul 18, 2013

Time is almost up for Māori to take part in the 2013 Māori Electoral Option.


Dual vote referrals to Police for Ikaroa-Rāwhiti by-election

Jul 11, 2013

On 10 July 2013, the Electoral Commission referred six individuals who are alleged to have voted more than once at…

Media release

Ikaroa-Rāwhiti By-election Official Results

Jul 10, 2013

The Electoral Commission has released the official results for the 29 June Parliamentary by-election in the electorate of Ikaroa-Rāwhiti.

Media release

Party registration process underway

Jul 8, 2013

The Electoral Commission today received the membership evidence required from the United Future party to complete its application for party…

Media release

No update pack? You're not enrolled to vote

Jul 4, 2013

If you didn’t get an enrolment update pack in the mail this week, you need to get onto the electoral roll now.

Media release

Challenge on to get enrolled for the 2013 Local Elections

Jul 1, 2013

Today the Electoral Commission kicks off an enrolment drive to get everyone correctly enrolled to vote in this year’s local elections.

Media release

He whakapātari nui ki te rēhita mo Ngā Pōtitanga Ā-rohe 2013

Jul 1, 2013

Ka tīmatahia he kōkiritanga rēhita e Te Kaitiaki Take Kōwhiri i tēnei rā kia rēhita tikahia ngā tāngata katoa ki…


Donations protected from disclosure limits adjusted

Jul 1, 2013

On 1 July of each year the amounts that registered political parties can receive and that persons can donate as…

Media release

Ikaroa-Rāwhiti By-election preliminary results

Jun 29, 2013

The Electoral Commission has released the preliminary results for the 29 June Parliamentary by-election in the electorate of Ikaroa-Rāwhiti.

Media enquiries

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