Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero

Media release

E 47,000 ngā Māori kua ngaro i te rārangi ingoa kaipōti

Jul 23, 2008

E whakaatu ana ngā tauanga hōu he tata ki te 47,000 ngā Māori i whakaurua i tētahi wā o ngā tau e toru kua hipa atu kāore i te rārangi ingoa ināianei.

Media release

47,000 Māori missing from the Electoral roll

Jul 23, 2008

New figures reveal almost 47,000 Māori who were enrolled at some stage during the previous three years are no longer enrolled.

Media release

New electoral rolls open for the public to view

Jul 3, 2008

The Electoral Enrolment Centre is urging people to check just released electoral rolls, as another milestone towards the 2008 general election is reached.


Applications to register parties and a party logo

Jul 1, 2008

The Electoral Commission is considering applications made under Part 4 of the Electoral Act 1993 to register the following political…

Media enquiries

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